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Author Topic: Varroa detected in Australia  (Read 89251 times)

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #120 on: July 20, 2022, 05:29:15 pm »
Your Welcome Bee North.  👍🏻


Offline Garigal

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #121 on: July 20, 2022, 10:22:55 pm »
Here's a fairly unbiased and factual account of the situation from last nights edition of 7:30 on our ABC (national broadcaster).


Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #122 on: July 22, 2022, 07:09:11 am »
On the outside looking in, I see at least a couple of things 'that concern me' in this report.

At 3:23 Anna Scoaby shows her remaining hives as she explains that at least 30 of her infested hives have been destroyed. My concern here is still one of my original concerns mentioned in my Reply #30 July 01, 2022,

"If all domesticated managed hives are completely destroyed in the kill zones, what will become of the bees which may have missed the eradication process while out forging, which may host live varroa? Will they beg into unknown feral hives? The same question for eradicated hives on the outer limits of the kill zone. What will become of the forging bees which no longer have a home? Can they simply find their way to a hive 'outside' of the eradication zone, or an unknown feral hive 'outside or inside' the kill zone? Will they beg into a nearby hive, bringing with them the varroa they may have in their possession, (on their person)?"

Also Darren Minter, an almond producer, says at 4:23 "If it does get out; If this varroa mite enters into the whole bee industry, it will take out 80 to 90 percent of our bees." Though his great concern is rightfully expressed, though education his words do not have to be written in stone or come to pass if Australians will educate themselves 'individually' and act on that education. With education this does not have to be the case. TheHoneyPump from my Countrys' neighboring Canada and a member here, has written a great paper explaining much about this mite. I highly recommend investigating Mr HoneyPumps paper, along with many other topics which some of which include 'sources of research' concerning Varroa Destructor by a variety of Beemasters' Members .

Its true we beekeepers in America lost great numbers of our bees when varroa was introduced to my Country and the future looked gloomy; 'until we became educated' about this dreaded pest. High numbers of hives were lost for the same accurate reasons of Mr Minters' rightful concerns such as spreading of viruses etc.

Learning how to deal with these mites from shared lessons learned from other countries, along with research from other countries, (countries already experiencing Varroa before its arrival in America), 'was a tremendous leg up for us here in America'. This valuable information along with conducting our own research turned things around. Therefore with education Mr Minters' forecast does not have to come to pass. Again quoting Mr Minter; "If varroa is not contained".

I wish to encourage our beekeeping friends DownUnder.  The results do not have to be as Mr Minter fears... Again education and putting that education into effect by each individual beekeeper is the key to success in my opinion. Lets continue hoping the toothpaste is not out of the tube. And the effort and hard work to stop varroa in Australia will bare fruit of success!


« Last Edit: July 22, 2022, 08:40:14 am by Ben Framed »

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #123 on: July 22, 2022, 07:30:00 am »
Notice the expansion of infestation in the map below, which was shown in the news clip provided by Garigal July 20 (reply 121) as compared to the map shown on July 4 in Reply 61.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #124 on: July 22, 2022, 07:31:23 am »
Infestation map July 4

Offline Garigal

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #125 on: July 22, 2022, 07:50:42 am »
Notice the expansion of infestation in the map below, which was shown in the news clip provided by Garigal July 20 (reply 121) as compared to the map shown on July 4 in Reply 61.

Yes the map expanded rapidly but has been relatively stable for a week or so, there was a flurry of testing activity followed by cooler and quite wet weather again with a possibility of another four months of La Nina.

Euthanising of hives was suspended while they established the edges of the incursion and today's update was that they are shifting back to the eradication program, they released the info on Facebook and haven't been consistent on where they release informantion unfortunately.

Today's update

🐝 There has been an additional detection within the current Eradication Zone (red zone).

🐝 The Biosecurity Emergency Group Permit and Hive Movement Declaration form is in place to allow the movement of bees in the General Biosecurity Zone (blue zone) for critical pollination services for registered commercial beekeepers. See www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa

🐝Activity in eradication zones
We have conducted extensive surveillance at the edges of the emergency zones to establish the limits of the current infestation and will now reprioritise our efforts within the red zones to continue the euthanasia of infected hives.

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #126 on: July 22, 2022, 12:48:28 pm »
I wish Australia the best of luck.  But eradication has been tried everywhere Varroa showed up and it has never worked.  It only takes one Varroa to spread eventually to everywhere.  They don't even need two...
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #127 on: July 22, 2022, 08:41:29 pm »
Michael wrote: " eradication has been tried everywhere Varroa showed up and it has never worked"

Has anybody writen up what beekeeprs did in the US or Canada when Varroa arrived? Can we do better?

I sense a will here in Australia to learn and not to repeat mistakes which were made, even Governments are spending good money to stop the invasion.

We are also dealing with Foot and Mouth, Lumpy Skin..in our neighbour countries ( not on bees..)

Biosecurity has been busy.

Online Lesgold

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #128 on: July 24, 2022, 06:30:23 pm »
No reported outbreaks outside the red zones in the past week. The focus will now return to those areas. Interesting few weeks coming up. The outbreak areas on the coast have a temperate climate. With spring and swarming season only a month away, the timeframe for eradication is reducing rapidly.

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #129 on: July 25, 2022, 02:19:11 am »
Almond Growers face Beehive shortage

Up to 16,000 registered Victorian beehives that were stranded in southern New South Wales due to the varroa mite outbreak can now be returned home.
Key points:

    North-west Victoria's almond industry relies on beehives from multiple states to help with pollination
    Some Victorian hives currently in southern NSW will now be allowed to return home
    The industry says it will still be short 65,000 hives this season

- Agriculture Victoria announced the change late on Friday, enabling more beehives to re-enter the state to help with almond pollination.

- Almond trees in north-west Victoria are about to bloom, and usually hives from across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland are used for pollination.

- Victoria's Chief Plant Health Officer, Rosa Crnov, said beekeepers needed to apply for a permit and test their hives before and after moving them to ensure they were free of the destructive pest.

- Dr Crnov said the honey bees were low risk because they had been quiet over winter, not gathering honey and not pollinating.

"We also have a level of comfort with them in the fact that they're registered with Agriculture Victoria so we have ready access to all the records and testing regime on file," she said.

Last month, a bee parasite called varroa destructor was found in sentinel hives at the Port of Newcastle.
New South Wales authorities have been working to eradicate the mite, which has since been found at 41 premises.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2022, 07:07:18 am by Ben Framed »

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #130 on: July 25, 2022, 07:20:12 am »
Infestation Map Update:  July 24, 2022

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #131 on: July 25, 2022, 07:40:28 am »
Some 200 hives have been moved to Almonds

New research gives some hope - for the future

It has been just over a month now since varroa mite was detected in sentinel hives at the Port of Newcastle, with millions of bees in emergency zones since euthanased.
Key points:

    Hive movement is now underway in and through NSW's blue zone
    Surveillance and euthanasia of infected hives in the red zones have ramped up
    Researchers hope to develop a varroa mite pesticide safe for honey bees

While authorities in New South Wales remain confident the deadly parasite can be eradicated, beekeepers could soon have a new tool to help in their fight against future outbreaks.

Australian researchers are hoping to develop a world-first hormone-based pesticide, safe for honey bees but fatal to varroa mite, and another destructive pest, the small hive beetle.

The University of Sydney research project has been underway for a year, but it could be two to three years before it is ready for commercialisation.
A man with blonde hair smiling.
Joel Mackay is leading a $1.2 million research project into developing a varroa mite pesticide.(Supplied: Joel Mackay)

Project lead Joel Mackay says indications are the fight against the current incursions will be successful as with previous detections in Australian ports over the past decade.

"Hopefully the same will happen now and we buy ourselves some more time through which we can develop technologies like the one that we're working on," he said.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #132 on: July 25, 2022, 07:46:59 am »
"Australian researchers are hoping to develop a world-first hormone-based pesticide, safe for honey bees but fatal to varroa mite, and another destructive pest, the small hive beetle."

Max this report is also very interesting. Please keep us updated as this research moves along.



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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #133 on: July 25, 2022, 08:07:21 am »
This has just come in - the new site is connected to previous ones. They seem to do a good tracing job.

Dear max,

Please find below today's update published from NSW DPI Biosecurity just moments ago. This information was taken directly from the NSW DPI Biosecurity Facebook page (25/07/2022 at 9.00pm)

NSW DPI Varroa mite tracing and surveillance work has confirmed one new detection of Varroa mite, as field officers continue hive inspections with beekeepers across the state.

The new detection is near Nana Glen, north-west of Coffs Harbour and brings the total number of infested premises to 43.

The new infested hives where the Varroa mite was detected falls outside of existing emergency zones. NSW DPI has established emergency zones around the infested premises.

Our tracing efforts discovered this infested premises near Nana Glen, where infested hives were moved in earlier this year, prior to our Biosecurity Emergency Order was in place. This is connected to one of our existing infested premises in the Hunter cluster.

As an industry group, our intensive surveillance and tracing activities, in addition to the state-wide lockdown and creation of emergency zones, continue to play a critical role in emergency response efforts.

Visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa and use the interactive map to search for your address, to determine what emergency zone you?re situated in.

 What should I do? 

- All beekeepers responsible for honeybee colonies or hives within 50km biosecurity zones are either in the Notification zone, Eradication or Surveillance zones.

-In those zones, beekeepers must tell NSW DPI where their honeybees and hives are. This includes queen honeybees in cages and packaged honeybees.

You can notify NSW DPI:

- to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline 1800 084 881

- by using the online form at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/varroa

If anyone in NSW has found Varroa mite, they must tell NSW DPI immediately.

Kind regards,

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #134 on: July 25, 2022, 08:34:16 pm »
Nana Glen - this is very bad.

15 beekeeprs affected - lots of hives.

Beekeepers on the NSW Mid North Coast are the latest to prepare to destroy their hives after the detection of varroa mite in hives at a blueberry farm.
Key points:

    NSW Apiarists Association president Steve Fuller says the outbreak will affect 15 beekeepers in the area
    There are concerns about the impact on the agriculture industry in the area
     About 5,000 hives are needed to pollinate blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, avocadoes and macadamias in the region until the end of September

The deadly bee parasite has been detected in Nana Glen, 25 kilometres inland from Coffs Harbour, where a 10-km eradication zone has been established.

It was the 43rd detection since an initial case in the Port of Newcastle last month.

"I'm shocked. I'm devastated," beekeeper Alan Elks said.

Mr Elks' family has been keeping bees in the area for several generations, and their hives are just a few kilometres from the detection site, putting them within the eradication zone.

Mr Elks said he had to find out about the detection on his doorstep from a fellow beekeeper.

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #135 on: July 25, 2022, 10:11:54 pm »
"Australian researchers are hoping to develop a world-first hormone-based pesticide, safe for honey bees but fatal to varroa mite, and another destructive pest, the small hive beetle."

Max this report is also very interesting. Please keep us updated as this research moves along.



Hi Philip,
I have written tot the researcher and hope that I will be up-dated  on the progress of the work.

I have just come in from a check on some of my hives ( it is about 24C here) and the SHB are still active.
Our winters are so mild now that we don't seem to ever get a brood break and a rest from SHB


« Last Edit: July 26, 2022, 02:33:09 am by Ben Framed »

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #136 on: July 26, 2022, 02:38:52 am »
Hi Philip,
I have written tot the researcher and hope that I will be up-dated  on the progress of the work.

I have just come in from a check on some of my hives ( it is about 24C here) and the SHB are still active.
Our winters are so mild now that we don't seem to ever get a brood break and a rest from SHB


Thanks Max for doing your part 'and much more' with steadfast dedication such as informing beekeepers 'as in this topic', while seeking better beekeeping for all by bridging key important people with information you carry. Hopefully in time you and folks like you, who work so diligently will see your work bare much good fruit, boosting beekeeping to a higher an more enjoyed adventure for all.
I have hope that your countries' research on these matters (controlling Varroa and Small Hive Beetles) will turn out to be 'good for all',  and a chance for beekeepers like myself, who missed the Golden Age of beekeeping will 'realistically' have the chance to experience beekeeping as when beekeeping was Varroa and SHB free! I can only imagine 🙂


« Last Edit: July 26, 2022, 03:23:44 am by Ben Framed »

Offline max2

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #137 on: July 27, 2022, 01:25:02 am »
I hope this link works:
Just in from ABC News  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwiohx0ZECU

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #138 on: July 27, 2022, 02:27:35 am »
Hives can leave Queensland for Victoria...but not certain that they can come back.

27 July 2022
Dear Members
I am writing to address the concerns of members over the movement of bees outside the state of
Queensland. We understand there is a great deal of anxiety within our membership in relation to the
movement of bees and for this reason I have prepared this letter to you.
Firstly, the Queensland Beekeepers? Association (QBA) do not make the decisions with relation to bees
crossing borders (re-entering Queensland). Whilst we advocate in the best interest of all Queensland
Beekeepers, ultimately the decisions relating to the movement of hives is at the discretion of the
Queensland and Victorian State governments.
The association has expressed the range of views and concerns of our members and wider industry to
government. The QBA management committee has and will continue to advocate for strong border
measures, enhanced surveillance, and strict enforcement.
We strongly recommend all QBA members considering migration of honey bees outside the state of
Queensland should conduct their own individual risk assessment, understanding that should they choose to
migrate hives outside of Queensland, they do so at their own risk.
The Queensland Government have communicated that there are no guarantees that honey bees will be able
to re-enter the state. We recognise there are stranded hives in New South Wales owned and operated by
Queensland based beekeepers and we are continuing to work with the Queensland Government to provide
continuity of business operations for the those impacted beekeepers.

The QBA will continue to work with government and advocate in the interest of all Queensland beekeepers.
The QBA will always put the interests of Queensland beekeepers first.
Jacob Stevens
Queensland Beekeepers? Association.

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Re: Varroa detected in Australia
« Reply #139 on: July 30, 2022, 01:02:56 am »
Infestation map July 29

