Annettte, no not in this thread. Go to the main forum page (you know, push the "home" button beside the navigation buttons in the forum), and there you will see the "submit your favourite wallpaper sized photos contest forum, go there and you will see October, November and December's thread, that is where you post the pictures. Do you have some more of the beauties like you already showed us? Beautiful, look at the one that Greg sent into the December contest, look at the waterfall one, that is a piece of beauty for sure, that is wallpaper worthy, definitely.
I know I was having a little difficulty figuring out where to put the photos too, but that is how it is done. Kind of a little bit clumbsy sometimes around here (me), I have to put my misty morning picture in the December contest. By the way, congrats on winning the November contest, your pictures were something to behold, and you say that I live in a beautiful place, hee, hee, look at where you live, your pictures were absolutely breathtaking, and I wish I was there.....Have a great and wonderful day, girl. Cindi