Donation ideas
I'm talking about my father's youngest brother in Korea. They were charging a bit more than 10 times retail for some of the things they offered him while he was receiving 16 feet of plastic intestines and a goat's stomach. REAL FINE ORGANIZATION. NOT!
Iddee, I don't know or really care what happened that many years ago in a war. I do care that people have accurate info now, and know that if they take advantage of shelters, or food, or whatever, during a disaster, they will not be charged for that help.
I know you don't like them, but in the here and now, they are usually the biggest group in a disaster and often the only shelters. No one is forcing anyone to use them, but no one should discourage that either. Help is help.
Sorry, Kathy, I have to disagree with you. Your post sounds like a Dem. speech, spinning the truth totally out of site.
A good read....
iddee, she is the reason I no longer do Red Cross. She is a horrible CEO and she has jeopardized the mission.
None of that negates the fact that if people need help and Red Cross is there for shelter, feeding, etc. it is free and people should not be discouraged from taking advantage of what they offer.
You use what you want to use and donate where you want to donate. Please don't discourage people from taking help where it is offered.
OK. We can end it here and stay friends. I've said my piece and you yours. CHEERS
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