A clarification on non-beekeeping posts for ALL members
I was asked a question that is perfectly legit. Why so many non-beekeeping posts? Depending on how you access beemaster and what you do when you get there, you might be under the impression that all we do is talk about politics. This might be disturbing, especially if you are from another country.
The non-beekeeing stuff is kept separate from the beekeeping stuff. The forums and threads are separated. You may not be aware of this if you only look at the 'new posts' or if you access beemaster on an app.
We don't have a lot to do with our bees in our winters but our political season IS winter.
I hope this and my below answer to the poster helps.
--- Quote ---You are some "superbee" but it appears - and i could be wrong - you earned the gong by posting mostly non-bee realted items. True?
I think the political part of the postings devalue the beemaster forum. Look at the postings: it is a clan of people talking to each other.
Is this what beemaster was set up to do?
If so, I won't waste my time...or i could lurk on ther side line, ignore my bees and stir the Possum.
--- End quote ---
I have been on Beemaster since 2009 or so. so yes, I have a lot of posts and in the last few years especially, many are on the interaction part of the site for the reasons stated above. These days, I only keep a couple of hives and rarely do a cutout or swarm chase. When I started, I did one or the other pretty much every weekend in spring :grin:
There is a reason we have a separate section for things not beekeeping. Depending on how you are accessing the site, you may not be aware of that. Many of us have been on other beekeeping sites and since politics in the US tends to be a contact sport, those other sites mixed beekeeping and politics together and that was not a good thing. John (the original beemaster) decided that it was not practical to ban things other than beekeeping in conversation, but it was practical to mandate that those conversations take place outside the beekeeping threads. thus, the Coffee house and the other non-beekeeping threads.
I spin through here several times a day because I have been chosen as a moderator. When I see something interesting to comment on, I do. When I don't, I don't.
You are welcome to join in, or ignore and stick to the beekeeping stuff. If you want to see the true structure of Beemaster, try accessing it once on a PC. You'll see the separation between forums and how the beekeeping is kept separate.
+ remember, we are just now coming into our beekeeping season. A couple of weeks ago, I had snow on the ground. Not much beekeeping to do until it is better weather.
Thanks Kathy for posting this.
For those that do not want to get into the politics, just go to the the bee section threads only. They are totally separated from the coffee house section. To do this, click on BeeMaster at the top and scroll down to the Bee section.
You may not bee aware of it but only members are allowed to see the coffee house.
If you want to not bee able to see the Coffee House or any other section, just PM me and let me know what you do not want to see. I can easily change what you see.
You could also just check the heading and see what group the thread is in. If it is the Coffee House, don?t click on it.
Hope this helps.
Jim Altmiller
It is also possible to collapse certain forum sections by clicking/tapping the - (minus) at the far right of the headings. For example, to collapse the Coffee House, along with the related political boards, Dark Side of the Moon, the humor board, and the sports forum, you would click/tap the minus on the heading "Member and Guest Interaction Section". As a sidenote, we should probably change the title of that section now that the Coffee House isn't visible to non-members. :wink:
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