Quoting iddee
"That is how it goes with all or nothing. That's right. We say NONE, they say ALL. They will never be happy with part way. We won't either, as the constitution doesn't say part way.It says "Right to bear arms."
I am with you on this iddee and so was our Founding, Patriot Fathers. You know, I have noticed that ''most'' of the proponents of breaking The
Constitution are not far back generation, rooted fellow Citizens. Check them out. The biggest majority are recent immigrants or from family's of recent immigrants , only two or three generations back. These newer citizens, opposing and disregarding our Constitution, just don't seem to have the love for this Land, (or the appreciation of the sacrifices and wisdom that our founding fathers possessed), and our Constitution as our long time, many generation, deep rooted citizens. Even though we have welcomed them here with open outstretched arms!! Is seems they do not want to just join us, but ruin a good thing which is for All Citizens, both older and newer. If our Constitution has a flaw, I would think this may have been the biggest one. I don't know, what are your thoughts?