What happened to all the CC vigilantes in Walmart, keeping their heads down and being quiet? I'm sure you would be quite willing to back your plinker against an AK47
His plinker would have taken out a shooter with any type of weapon if he'd been there and been able to shoot back and hit the guy. As for CC people in the mall, my understanding is that the mall is a gun free zone. Even so, the one CC carrier that was interviewed and armed had chosen to take some kids to a safe place and protect them.
Is your objection to the style of weapon? As far as I know we do not know exactly which weapon was used. Different weapons use different ammo. Maybe it is the type of ammo to which you object?
The Virginia tech shooter killed 32 people with handguns.
We should be asking better questions. Why are there so many angry, nutty, people running loose? In my area we have had random assaults with knives, hammers, cars, and clubs. People have been killed and seriously injured. The attackers were crazy and should have been locked up, but they were loose on the streets. The people they killed and damaged are no less dead and injured because something other than a gun was used.
What has changed in our society that makes people think attacking others is a good idea? Is it lack of respect for life? Letting nuts out on the streets? Social media, 24/7 news, infantilizing young adults, lack of consequences for behaviors, violent video games and movies, Because we killed God and morality, all of the above and more? Is it the way we talk to each other? Is it fair to call people who support a certain politician or political point of view, fascist, Nazi, racist, etc.? Then in the next breath, blame the same people for a lack of civility and caring in society?
You can take the guns, but if you don't figure out the underlying issues, people will just find other ways to kill. Trucks work. Bombs work. Fires work. There are lots of creative ways to kill.