Technical Difficulties?


Terri Yaki:
I've been locked out a whole lot lately. Is it just me? I see some posts have been made by others at times that I was unable to read anything. FWIW, the 2A forum that I haunt has had a lot of similar issues for the past several months now. They are tight lipped about everything but it seems like they have reduced the number of 'guests' viewing and things have improved. I only assume that there is a connection and it is possible that it is just coincidence.

Oh no, it's not just you, it's everyone.  We are preparing for a move to a new server, so whenever that happens, the problems should be resolved.  We're having a suspicious overload of guests right now that seems to be at least partially crawlers and spambots combing the site, and that should cease when we get the updated security of the new server.  Robo and Eivindm are working on the situation currently.  Thanks for your patience, everyone. 

Terri Yaki:
Thanks for the update.

There have been a few technical difficulties. Sometimes Ive had easier time with Tapatalk,but not consistently.
I  prefer using my laptop,but will use Tapatalk when necessary.
I have not had much trouble at all today getting in except for very early this morning.

We are well aware of the situation. I have been in contact with Rob almost every day. So much so that I feel bad just letting him know that we are experiencing problems again and again.
It is interesting that you are having the same problem with other sites. I?m going to forward your OP to Rob.
If you look at the bottom of the BeeMaster page you can see the number of guests on and the max number ever noted. There you can see we are around a max today compared to a maximum of almost 22,000 on the fifteenth of this month. That doesn?t sound realistic. For the last few days it has remained very high, more than ten thousand.
Jim Altmiller


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