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Author Topic: Question about work in commercial apiary - beekeepers from Poland want to help  (Read 13564 times)

Offline Pjotern

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I and my brother are beekeepers from Poland and we are looking for a job as apiary technician in the Europe, especially in Italy and UK in commercial apiary or similar beekeeping industry from July to the beginning of September. We are adult beekeepers and authors of many articles in polish beekeeping magazines with own apiaries and long experience.

I am a student of Warsaw University of Life Sciences in the Warsaw on Faculty of Food Sciences Department (III year) and my brother Kacper is student in Pszczela Wola School (III year) - very famous beekeeping school in the all Europe.

We are Polish and speak in English very well.
Could you recommend please any beekeeper in your region, who is searching workers to his apiary or farm (garden)?

I would like to ask about free places for us to work in your apiary or other beekeeping industry.
We are able to work in laboratory and with food.

It's important to us to get quickly some work for a summer.

I want to add, that Bee Farmers Association didn't reply us so we are searching other proffesional beekeepers.

I am looking forward to hearing from you

Please contact me on +48 728 486 745 or on nowotnik.piotr@wp.pl

Peter Nowotnik

Offline KeyLargoBees

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Peter there isn't a lot of activity in this part of the forum...You might want to copy and paste this over to the general section...also there are quite a few US based "commercial" beekeeping groups on Facebook these days. Might be worthwhile to do some digging for some FB groups for commercial beeks in the EU.
Jeff Wingate

Changes in Latitudes...Changes in Attitudes....are Florida Keys bees more laid back than the rest of the country...only time will tell!!!
piratehatapiary@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/piratehatapiary

Offline little john

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Peter - I can only comment about UK beekeeping. The reality in the UK is that the vast majority of beekeepers are either hobbyists, or - to use an American expression - 'sideliners', meaning that they run (say) 30-100 hives, selling honey to friends, via the garden gate or at markets, and maybe sell a few nucs each year.

The number of commerical beekeepers in the UK - meaning 500+ hives, and cropping honey by the ton to be sold wholesale - are very few indeed, and tend to be family businesses, so the sad message is that there are very few opportunities for seasonal beekeeping work within the UK.

The impression I get is that those countries with much larger and less intensively managed rural areas, such as France and Spain, will tend to have far more beekeepers operating at a commercial level.

A Heretics Guide to Beekeeping - http://heretics-guide.atwebpages.com

Offline Pjotern

  • Brood
  • Posts: 2
Hi again. Unfortunately, we didn't find suitable positions for me and Kacper.
Now, we want to find an employer and start a cooperation before the season.
If someone is looking for an apiary technicians - beekeepers for next year (end of May to end of September - we are students and we can work in this period) we are ready to arrive and work.

If you would like to see our CVs - no problem! Please send me e-mail on nowotnik.piotr@wp.pl

Certainly, we might work in the UK or in the Europe, eventually in the Canada.

Could you recommend any commercial beekeepers whose are looking for workers?

Happy New Year 2017!

