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Author Topic: Greetings from Ukraine  (Read 13614 times)

Offline o.molchanov

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Greetings from Ukraine
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:20:44 am »

We are small research team from Kharkiv (Ukraine). Our aims are collecting and sharing beekeeping experience worldwide, automating works at the apiary, building of recommendation and forecasts for beekeeping evolution. Our apiary:

5 Loungers (Langsroth frame)
5 Multi-hull hives (Route frame)

We are open to communicate with everyone and share our experience with anyone.

Offline Kyle

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Re: Greetings from Ukraine
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 09:15:19 pm »
I am no longer in Ukraine myself (lived there for 32 months--mostly in Zaporozhye in early 2000s).  I am currently back in the USA in the town where I grew up.  I loved living in Ukraine--my friends, the food, strangers on the trains and in the street, the nice warm summers and nice cold winters (I really loved the winters!).  I did not start keeping bees until about three years after I left Ukraine the last time.  I remember that I had my first taste of creamed honey in Ukraine.  I am kind of sad today that I was not beekeeping while I was in Ukraine, I would have searched out a beekeeper to work with while learning the Ukrainian ways of keeping bees.  I have found some really interesting videos on Youtube (of mostly Russian beekeepers) explaining some of the things they do in the apiary and how to harvest things like bee bread (ambrosia).  I did not know that some beekeepers harvest ambrosia until watching that video.  I would really like to see some Ukrainian youtube videos, so if you know o any please share some links.  I am OK at understanding Russian (как собока я понимою много а гавору мало) probably did not spell any of that correctly.  I am not very good at understanding Ukrainian.  I am excited to see this post on Ukrainian beekeeping and your research team, and I look forward to learning more about Ukrainian techniques in beekeeping.


Offline Vance G

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Re: Greetings from Ukraine
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 10:10:51 pm »
I studied Russian history in College and in those days that included Ukraine and Lithuania which were at times bigger than Russia in the good old dark ages.  I envy you the time there.  I grew up with Ukranian farm neighbors in North Dakota and they clung happily to their culture on Holidays and to the little Greek Orthodox church that only had about four families left supporting it.  Fine folks.  The grandparents sat around speaking Ukranian, the farmer sons spoke neither Ukranian or English well and the grandkids my age got dressed up in funny clothes for Gramma on religious holidays which didn't quite match our dates but we knew were the same.