edward I have links but i can't paste, because i'm new user. I dont know how many posts i must write to be able to paste links and photos.
The most popular frame dimension is "Wielkopolska" frame 360mmx260mm (i have it), but in Poland we have also Dadant and Langstroth frames and several other like 3/4 langstroth, "warszawska" frame 240x435 and "warszawska poszerzana" frame 300x435.
My main honey plants are: maple, dandelion, apple tree, acacia, meadow flowers, fir and leaf honeydew and the best linden. Around my apiary is a lot of small organic farms and mixed forest (mostly beeches, oaks, lindens, firs, spruces). But popular Polish honey are also buckwheat honey, rape honey, heather honey (highest price).
My season start in March (stimulating pollen cake) and last job in my apiary i finished in October (treatment for varroa). But bees gather honey from last week April to second week July in my apiary.
I usually do 3 honey harvest (last week of May, third week of June, and third week of Jule).
I feed them with sugar for winter to mid-September. Average 13 kg sugar per one hive. I make sugar syrop (3 parts sugar and 2 parts water).
The most popular bees in Polans is Apis mellifera Carnica and her races but increasingly popular is Buckfast.
We testing Primorska, Elgon, Macedonian bees (partially varroa resistant).
Becoming more popular is the small cell.