Beekeeping Patents

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Kan-ok bees:
 I sure do enjoy reading what you do with bees and I don'thave any new ideas for patents or inventions but I would like to see someone do a study about the MOON  Phases and if the phases has any effect with bees.Talk to amost farmer and he will tell you the phases does effect weaning of calfs from the mother cow. Also some farmers plant and kill weeds by phases. The moon phases may not effect bees at all but it may.Who knows how it may effect the hives but I would like to see a study done to find out and I know it would need to be done for several years.I am 72 years old so I may not be around long enough for a good study . I would like to see it done by a university but haven't had any luck . just thought someone that has more enflunce with the bee world maybe could .I did contact the American Bee Council but no answer.  anyway my idea may sound crazy but that is it. MOON Phases and bees   Merl  Votaw   From KAN OK bees

Thanks for all the cool vids robo and JP

Oh Yeah, I especially loved the idea of using a coroplast starter strip in a foundationless frame. Thanks!

Hops Brewster:
Hey Robo, I was perusing your patents list several months ago and found it interesting.  I went to go look at it again today and the link is borked.  Searched Bushkill farms website, no joy.  Did you drop this project?


--- Quote from: Hops Brewster on September 29, 2016, 02:47:31 pm ---Hey Robo, I was perusing your patents list several months ago and found it interesting.  I went to go look at it again today and the link is borked.  Searched Bushkill farms website, no joy.  Did you drop this project?

--- End quote ---

Turns out over the years I have started a few different websites and have not had the time to keep up on them.   A while back I started to migrate the best parts of them all to    As for the patents, the plugin that was used to manage the files and create the lists has stopped working on updated versions of wordpress and is no longer supported.  Sorry.


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