American Foulbrood Sniffing dogs

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Yes, it is old news. I assume bees die from varroa and related diseases before AFB can even develop in most parts of the world.
AFB can extinguish entire apiaries here in Australia, if not detected early.
We had a lot of AFB in my local area in recent years.

Wouldn?t wanna swap it for varroa though. I never lost even one colony over winter.

Could varroa pretty much have eradicated AFB in other countries, due to constant renewal of colonies?

My dog is of sniffer dog lineage, just don?t know how to train him. He never goes near the hives and takes off when he hears buzzing. He is black and stuck his nose into a hive entrance as a pup. Just once.

HP, I want to take the opportunity to say how much I appreciate your postings. A wealth of experience and wisdom.


--- Quote from: TheHoneyPump on April 26, 2021, 07:55:56 pm ---Interesting about sniffer dogs. Just adopted a new pup here and perhaps he can be trained.  Though I really wonder how well they can tell the difference between some foul brood (EFB/AFB) and a heavy nectar flow from dandelions or sunflowers or goldenrod.  Those honeys stink to hll and are much much more foul to my nostrils.

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Based on the fact that a mantrailing dog can smell the difference between people, even find someone in a large crowd, or identify where they were sitting after they are gone, I bet a dog could smell the difference between foul brood and foul honey.     

 I would assume if they can smell cocaine in all the ways it is hidden they could detect AFB. The OP was posting in 2018 so we should have heard by now I would think.


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