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Author Topic: Swarm prevention in horizontal hives.  (Read 2280 times)

Offline Bob Wilson

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Swarm prevention in horizontal hives.
« on: May 20, 2020, 09:11:55 am »
I have a series of questions for which I cannot find the answers online. Some of which I can't even ask until I get into the hives on Saturday. However, I must get a more complete understanding of brood nest management. From one hive this spring, I have 3 more hives and 2 swarms lost. That is 5 swarms total. I will never get honey with this going on.
1. I understand that I should not give more space than the bees can patrol inside the box, therefore use a follow board in the horizontal hive. But then i read advice for beeks with standard langs cautioning about swarming. " Add a super or two on top to give them plenty of room." That is 10-20 empty frames. Even one super is 10 empty frames. That's a lot of empty space. Why should I even be using a follow board except in dead winter? One way I may be causing swarming, is only giving them two or three empty frames and then closing them up with the follow board.

Offline Bob Wilson

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Re: Swarm prevention in horizontal hives.
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2020, 10:47:45 pm »
I rearranged my horizontal boxes today.
The first frame, where the entrance is, I placed a pollen frame. Then I alternated 1 empty frame, 2 brood frames, 1 empty, 2 brood, until I consolidated all the brood to the front of the hive.
 After opening up the brood nest that way, I did the same 1 to 2 alternation with empty frames and  nectar/honey frames.
Hopefully this practice will stop the swarming behavior.
There were plenty of bees to cover the brood frames to keep them warm.