Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => DISEASE & PEST CONTROL => Topic started by: Danger Brown on May 20, 2012, 06:36:43 pm

Title: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Danger Brown on May 20, 2012, 06:36:43 pm
I realize that many people will disagree with my plan to keep bees all natural. I'll let diseases kill them, thereby making them stronger.
Feel free to check out my blog post on the matter. I hope posting this link is acceptable. Note that my blog sells nothing and has no advertising. I'm just trying to share openly. (
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: scdw43 on May 26, 2012, 11:51:56 pm
When you don't use chemicals in you hives the object is for them not to die . If they die they will not become stronger. You will become poorer buying more bees that could die also. I don't use chemicals but 80% or better live through winter.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: buzzbee on May 27, 2012, 12:31:16 am
How true, dead bees do not pass good genetics. If Nosema shows up badly,you may reconsider.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: jdesq on May 27, 2012, 09:27:18 pm
I have had bees for 12 years now, never have used any chemicals and very seldom have fed them sugar water and have had pretty good success with them. I started with 2 hives and now have 18. Some years are great and some not so good. My friends who do use chemicals and feed sugar have had about the same success rate as I have. Why bother with the chemicals and why not go natural!

Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Danger Brown on May 30, 2012, 04:48:10 am
When you don't use chemicals in you hives the object is for them not to die . If they die they will not become stronger. You will become poorer buying more bees that could die also. I don't use chemicals but 80% or better live through winter.
Hi scdw43!
Buying commercial genetics would undermine my intention to raise bees naturally.  I will only increase my hives via swarms, cutouts, and splits. I'll split survivor hives more aggressively than the swarm captures.

Honey would be nice, but I don't need to ever collect honey to be happy with my hobby. Any honey I do collect will go to my mead making hobby. So I won't make money anyway.

I expect lots of hives to die and to split the survivors. Then, fewer hives should die every year....theoretically.

I have had bees for 12 years now, never have used any chemicals and very seldom have fed them sugar water and have had pretty good success with them. I started with 2 hives and now have 18. Some years are great and some not so good. My friends who do use chemicals and feed sugar have had about the same success rate as I have. Why bother with the chemicals and why not go natural!

Nice to hear of your success with natural beekeeping! Thank you!
Have a wonderful day!
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Nature Coast Beek on June 24, 2012, 11:16:23 am
Your bees, your worries and your successes. Find what makes you happy in YOUR hobby/pursuit, and as long as it's legal/ethical (keep up with other diseases, AFB, and treat/deal with them appropriately) good luck to you. What I have problems with is when BOTH chemical heads and crunchies go at it on a level that rivals that of a religion. Different strokes for different folks, just be honest to yourself and your fellow beeks about the results.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: David McLeod on June 24, 2012, 01:12:23 pm
What I have problems with is when BOTH chemical heads and crunchies go at it on a level that rivals that of a religion.

Agreed, even though I fall on the side of "natural" side of things (is any intervention by man to include keeping of bees in artificial structures really natural?) I will not thump anyone for doing what they feel is the best for their bees. All I ask of anyone is to study your options and make informed decisions. Blindly following either the chemical crowd or all natural bunch is as stupid as you can get. Only through educating yourself on each and every aspect of both approaches can you ever hope to ferret out the specifics of each that works or doesn't work. Nobody is ever right all the time or wrong all the time.

Somehow I have found myself giving advice to members of my club and more than a couple who stop by the house when they see my beeyard. I am extremely uncomfortable doing so as I can only show them how I do it and always try to qualify my advice as there are always other options but this is how I do it and this is why. Even then I will qualify whether that is based upon solid empirical evidence or opinion. I really do not ever want to hear a beek say that this is how David does it so it is how they do it. I would much rather have them listen with a huge grain of salt but a willingness to try and form their own opinion.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Kathyp on June 24, 2012, 05:08:32 pm
there is a difference between no medication and no intervention.  i keep bees with no medication.  because i do, i must be attentive to their care and know when there is a problem.  when we choose to keep a thing, we are responsible for that thing.

i am also not opposed to medication.  better to use something to kill mites than to lose all your hives and become discouraged.  what you choose to use, and how you use it, is important.  being educated on different methods and available medications is a must, i think.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: wayne on June 28, 2012, 09:54:53 pm
  The bees we have today were developed roughly that same way that you are talking about. Bees were mated and alowed to reproduce to establish the traits that were wanted.
   By placing the bees in a situation that mimics a feral setting as you propose, you should be able over time to regress the bees and promote the traits that make the survivors so resistant to many of the pests that ravage the usual domestic hive.
  Keep really good notes and records on what you do and don't do, and what the bees do as time goes by. Win or lose the information may help the next person.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Danger Brown on June 29, 2012, 12:28:02 am
Thanks folks!
I had sorta expected to get yelled at because I realize most beekeeps use medicine. It's been a pleasant surprise to have a certain amount of acceptance.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Tightwad on July 07, 2013, 10:21:43 am
Thanks for your input I'm a new beek and I have been doing a lot f studying to find out which way I won't to raise my bees I'm wanting to do the best for the bees!!  I understand it's up to the bee keeper to what's best for his or hers bees. I'm thinking along the ling of your thinking and Mike  Bush. But I understand that its not as easy as I was thinking or hoping it will be. But I'm having a ball with my bees thanks for your input.
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Finski on July 12, 2013, 07:02:10 pm
I realize that many people will disagree with my plan to keep bees all natural. I'll let diseases kill them, thereby making them stronger.

that easy.
Think that bees have been million of years with their diseses. Diseases and pests are 32 to bees.

Now you are going to do that where God has not succeeded. Go for it!

(remember your own medication)


Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: iddee on July 12, 2013, 10:54:23 pm
"" my plan to keep bees all natural.""

I really don't believe a word you say when you start with this statement.

Keeping bees all natural would mean leaving them in hollow trees and not putting them in man made boxes. Since you failed from the git-go, why should anything else be believed?
Title: Re: Beekeeping without any medicine or intervention solves everything.
Post by: Finski on July 14, 2013, 08:32:24 am
You have in USA many universities which make research about bee diseases. One gang is Maarec, which is consortium of 6 universities. It has informed for excample about bee disapearing.

AFB resistant bees have breeded, if I remember, about 70 years.

Then it appers a new guy who says:" I do it!".  

Ok. Difficult  to say anything? Everyting is possible in America.