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I have another thought and question that I'll toss out there...The swarm hive is doing well but I expect that their queen is on her second year now and nearing the end of her life. The nuc hive is a first year queen. Should I replace the second year queen with the first year queen? I'm thinking, "no", because 1) I'm not sure that she's not the reason that they are in the predicament that they are in and 2) passing on genetics of a successful queen seems like a good thing to do.
I looked through my poor, dwindling nuc yesterday and all that is left is a queen and about 100 workers. I didn't find any pest larvae so I must have gotten all of them last week. They're still guarding the front door but that won't last much longer and it's time to close it up before pests move in. My taker for the queen has determined that it's too late for that and he's going to combine. So...what do I do with this queen? As much as I hate the idea, I'm thinking that dropping her into alcohol is the answer, shake the remainder of the bees out in front of the swarm hive and freeze the frames to sanitize them.
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: News from Down Under
« Last post by max2 on October 03, 2024, 05:40:59 pm »
I checked on the two large swarmes we hived.
Both are going very well.
I added traps and and inner lid.
I also checked on the first batch of nuc's i made a month ago.
All have queens and quite nice patterns of eggs.
Some are ready to sell.
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Last post by max2 on October 03, 2024, 05:38:44 pm »
The Silky Oaks are flowering.
They do like the dry weather but I can't tell if this affects nectar production.
Tecoma, a weed, is also flowering along the roads to one of my yards.
The Blackberries are flowering - could be a good crop if the weather stays dry.
THE CONSTITUTION / CA's Law on 'Disinformation'
« Last post by Terri Yaki on October 03, 2024, 08:07:09 am »
I believe this was touched on elsewhere here but I couldn't find it. So...here it is where it can be found. All I can do is shake my head at this attempt by Gavin Newsome. I doubt that we'll see it reported by the MSM outlets.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CN) ? A federal judge ruled Wednesday that California's law prohibiting altered election-related communications doesn?t pass constitutional scrutiny and the state can't enforce it.

ADMINISTRATION FORUM / Re: Having Forum Issues
« Last post by Terri Yaki on October 02, 2024, 04:26:09 pm »
I'm having intermittent issues again with the SMF file not found and experiencing some lag times when viewing threads. Lag times are not incredibly painful but they may be an indication of a bigger issue.
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by The15thMember on October 02, 2024, 03:02:56 pm »
Welcome back, Guitarman!  :happy:  Yes, doing anything with bees at night is risky business!  I agree with max2 that it might be a good idea for you to find a mentor who can help you out.  Opening the colony to take stock of the situation is probably a good idea, but it might be more informative if you had someone with a little bit of experience could help you understand what you are looking at and what to expect for your upcoming season as far as colony growth, the timing of flows, etc.  If you don't have access to a mentor and want to go ahead with the inspection yourself, maybe you could film the inspection or at least take some pictures and post them here, them maybe we could help you sort through the situation a little better.   
I haven't looked at your videos yet, but it sounds like it's time to bail.  No big deal, it's just part of the game.  I had my biggest hive crash in the past week.  I was dealing with a lot of robbing trying to get them down from 5 boxes to 2, so I didn't have the opportunity to do a mite count or confirm if they are queenright.  I'll check on them again this weekend, but they are likely getting combined with my smallest colony. 
Having found beetle or moth larvae in my nuc hive, I have come to grips with the fact that it is doomed. I posted on our local fakebook group page that I had a queen that I was willing to part with if it was safe and legal. I have an individual who has responded. Obviously, I do not know if this queen can save his hive but she sill not survive here.
« Last post by iddee on October 02, 2024, 01:25:45 pm »
OK. We can end it here and stay friends. I've said my piece and you yours. CHEERS
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