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DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by Lesgold on Today at 03:19:09 am »
I?m hearing reports about Formic Pro causing issues if the varroa counts are high. Losses of queens and many bees can be a consequence of using FP treatment in this type of situation. Talk to your supplier and listen to what they have to say. If bees have numerous perforations in their bodies due to varroa, formic acid can then enter into the bees body with fatal results.
MOVIES / Re: The New Daughter
« Last post by The15thMember on Today at 01:24:58 am »
Three, although we'll need it for NASCAR starting next summer.  But we only need it for 6 races in the middle of the season, so we're going to try some scam where we sign up for free trails every June/July until we run out of e-mail addresses.  :cheesy:
MOVIES / Re: The New Daughter
« Last post by gww on Today at 12:07:56 am »
Now you know two.
MOVIES / Re: The New Daughter
« Last post by Kathyp on October 05, 2024, 11:39:51 pm »
Netflix, Prime or Apple TV. I have found some good ones too.

You might be the only person I know that doesn't have Amazon Prime  :cheesy:
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by The15thMember on October 05, 2024, 08:46:02 pm »
Close up of comb. Are the holes in caps entry or exit holes varroa
Yes, I believe so.  Those pinholes are typical of an advanced varroa infestation. 
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by Guitarman on October 05, 2024, 07:04:33 pm »
Try again
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by Guitarman on October 05, 2024, 07:00:01 pm »
Next pic
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by Guitarman on October 05, 2024, 06:55:34 pm »
Close up of comb. Are the holes in caps entry or exit holes varroa
And the pupae from one of the cells.
I know you USA guys have had it for a long time but this is our first encounter. And it?s a reality check for us.
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by The15thMember on October 05, 2024, 06:28:33 pm »
I use all mediums, so this colony had 3 boxes of brood and 4 supers.  But that was in like July, and this is not typical for me, this colony was massive.  I had taken 2 supers of honey off in August, so they were in 5 boxes when I noticed the problem last week, and I condensed them to 2 boxes.  I wasn't sure if they still had a queen or not, so I let them go for another week to see if they'd have brood, but they didn't when I checked them today.  This happened very quickly, because we have trouble with moths too, and hive beetles, and all the comb was pristine last week.  Today they did have some beetle damage, but only on one frame.  To clean up a deadout or a situation like this, I'll just freeze all the frames to kill all the pests, then cut out and toss any comb that has been destroyed.  Drawn blanks are stored in tightly stacked extra bee boxes in my garage, sometimes with mothballs if it seems like it's a bad year for moths or a warm winter, and frames with pollen or honey in them I store in plastic bins.  That keeps them safe from beetles, moths, and mice. 
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: What's flowering: Queensland
« Last post by max2 on October 05, 2024, 06:19:05 pm »
There is a nice flow on.
Readers in the SE Qld area check your hives.
I had one hive ( see another post for some details) I took a full 1/2 super off on the 27. September and did the same again on the 4. October. This is a hive I made a slpit from. The hive has a Tiger Queen#
Looking at /tasting the honey I would guess that the white Clover is delivering. The Crimson Clover in our pasture is also doing well and i saw bees working it late yesterday.
The Blue Gum seems to have a rest but if we get the rain which is predicted, it will take off again.
There another 8 hives with FD supers to take honey off but I won't tackle them on my own.
Each harvest off these hives generally yields about 18kg of honey per super ( we leave two frames behind, always done this, just in case)

# tiger queens: I would like to know more about them. My mate BW tells me that they are a trowback. I have always found that Tigers are either the best honey producers in a yard...or shortlived.
I will have a couple of queens of this lot soon.
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