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I mean, it kind of depends what your goal is.  If you are planning on leaving both the deep and the medium on top of them, I see no reason not to pack them full.  I just went back and watched the video, and did you or anyone else notice the white butterfly that landed on you at 3:58 in the first video?  :grin: 
With the family coming down for a stay, I decided to get my grandson to help me with a project that has been in the back of my mind festering away for a couple of years. I?ve always wanted to have a go at rearing some queens using a cell punch method but haven?t been able to find the gear that was needed. A decision was made to make my own using what I could lay my hands on or purchase easily over the net. A piece of 10mm stainless tube with a wall thickness of .2mm was ordered online and was pleasantly surprised that it arrived in only 3 days. The tube was cut into lengths of about 32mm using the angle grinder and then one end of each piece was sharpened using the lathe and a file. A cordless drill and file could be used to achieve the same result. Some 10mm plastic tube was then cut in lengths of about 14mm to make caps for one end. Some dowel was then machined on the lathe to a size that would fit into the plastic tube and short lengths of about 6mm were then parted off. These dowels were then positioned and glued in place with super glue.
I know you added a frame of brood but was it open brood?  If bees go long enough without open brood the lack of brood pheromone could cause supersedure.  The only other guess I have would be your brood comb is older than 5 years.  Buildup of chemicals or disease can impact the quality of queens and workers.
tjc1, I?m just curious, are you seeing drones in your hive?
That's sad but it sounds like it's par for the course. I went through my swarm hive today and it looks like they're saving up for a big winter. I have two deeps with a medium super on top. The super is a donor from the other hive and it's not one that they stocked up. Anyhow, the brood box is like 1/2 full of honey and has one frame with about 60% capped brood on each side. There is some larvae and I wasn't able to see any eggs, though I did see the queen. There are some empty frames of comb. The upper deep is ehhhh 55% full of honey and nectar. It has some empty comb and a few blank frames. The super up top is full and mostly capped. Since they still have some uncapped, I'm thinking that there is no need to feed them but I am open to suggestions. It's not much different than last week's inspection, as shown in the videos above.
GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. / Re: Queen cells in a laying worker hive?!
« Last post by tjc1 on October 06, 2024, 05:36:34 pm »
Follow up on this curious case - there is a queen in the hive - only one that I can find. She is laying well and all seems OK - but yesterday I found a frame with two queen cells - ! - with large grubs in them! I don't get what is going on with this hive!!!
MOVIES / Re: The New Daughter
« Last post by Terri Yaki on October 06, 2024, 08:01:13 am »
You might be the only person I know that doesn't have Amazon Prime  :cheesy:
I like to consider myself to be on the cutting edge.   :cool:

There are times when I have to use Amazon but I avoid them whenever possible and they are my last source. They are on my short list of companies to not do business with, right up there with Walmart.

Three, although we'll need it for NASCAR starting next summer.  But we only need it for 6 races in the middle of the season, so we're going to try some scam where we sign up for free trails every June/July until we run out of e-mail addresses.  :cheesy:
They all seem to have one show that we want to watch that will get us to subscribe. I've been a frugal spender all my life so resisting isn't as hard for me as it is for others.

DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by Terri Yaki on October 06, 2024, 07:55:04 am »
I am a newbee and only used it once but when I did, I got a quick shot of dead bees and larvae on the front porch. After that, they seemed to recover but the hive died out anyway. I have no solid reason for their collapse.
DOWN UNDER BEEKEEPING / Re: I?m in trouble again
« Last post by Lesgold on October 06, 2024, 03:19:09 am »
I?m hearing reports about Formic Pro causing issues if the varroa counts are high. Losses of queens and many bees can be a consequence of using FP treatment in this type of situation. Talk to your supplier and listen to what they have to say. If bees have numerous perforations in their bodies due to varroa, formic acid can then enter into the bees body with fatal results.
MOVIES / Re: The New Daughter
« Last post by The15thMember on October 06, 2024, 01:24:58 am »
Three, although we'll need it for NASCAR starting next summer.  But we only need it for 6 races in the middle of the season, so we're going to try some scam where we sign up for free trails every June/July until we run out of e-mail addresses.  :cheesy:
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