I used the wood lathe again as a method for cutting the rings. The bottom of the jar is cut off with s knife and scissors and it is then placed on a plug that I turned up. A follower block holds the jar in place. This is almost identical to my original technique.
The rings are cut as per the original technique with the results shown below:
The rings are a bit thicker and a bit more rigid than the soft drink bottle version. I decided to time how long it took to convert the jar into the comb section rings pictured above to give you guys some idea of the time commitment involved. After cutting off the base, placing the jar on the lathe, cutting the rings, removing them from the lathe and placing all components on the work bench took 76 seconds. The point that I?m trying to make here is that these rings can be made quickly and cheaply. This is the big advantage of this technique over all of the other methods that I have presented. I will make a frame over the next day or so. I hope that I can find a holesaw cutter that will do the job.