th word that boggles my mind everytime i hear it!! even in our language we have some...issues about the word that's the closest to your Nuc.
ok so a NUC, a nucleous, what are the specifics that make a hive only a NUC. i know it has to be small and non-honey harvestable, or can it?
would the most appropriate term for a nuc be-a reserve colony???
so, the most common nuc-hive box is what? a 5 frame LR deep, right? but..given the volume and all...let say...Brians hive could just as well serve one as a nuc, right? i mean, the volume of an 8 frame close to equvivalent to 5 frame deep right?
basicly, you call a nuc every hive, from which you don't expect to harvest honey from, right?