What's flowering: Queensland
Welcome to Beemaster, maxell86! :happy:
Ben Framed:
Yes maxell86 welcome! I also have concerns about plastic in several applications. Being plastic foundation is first covered in beeswax before use, (in most cases), I do not know what if any effect it will have on our bees or honey? Has the plastic foundation subject specify been researched or studied?
Thank you guys.
Although I am not new to this forum. It seems the years drift on even in digital terms.
Good idea to cover plastic foundation in beewax. Who knows until you get down to the details.
If anyone has done the work, I am sure some of us would be interested in the results.
Ben Framed:
--- Quote ---Thank you guys.
Although I am not new to this forum. It seems the years drift on even in digital terms.
--- End quote ---
You?re welcome maxell86. There are many beekeepers or folks who are simply interested in beekeeping who join Beemaster. Some may never post but simply read and study, enjoying the forum. Many of these members do not interact initially and some may never join in the conversations or begin one. Even still, such members are >very< welcome, and we are glad to have each one with us. It?s also nice when a member decides to begin posting here at Beemaster. Thank you for making that move maxell86, transitioning to an active posting member since you first joined Beemaster back in 2020. 😊
Cold mornings with some frost in the valley.
This is the way is should be this time of the year.
The days ( and nights) are clear - thus the frost.
It is not cold enough to hit the lantana along the river as it used to.
It will stop the growth of some Tropical weeds like the Chickweed and the Clover ( it can tolerate some frost) will benefit.
I'm looking forward to a good Clover flow - here is hoping.
The Blue Gum ( e. tereticornis) is flowering through the valley - not evenly but I expect the hives to build up on this.
Due to the wet weather the Blue Top - a weed - has been flowering profusely. Even a light frost will slow this one.
Cold mornings are ideal to make candles and there are never enough made up frames :wink:
How are you going, maxell?
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