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Author Topic: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?  (Read 28062 times)

Offline Bob Wilson

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2023, 11:06:29 pm »
An 11 double deep frame hive is only 22 worth of single deep frames. My long langs hold 30, and even that fills up too fast with nectar before it cures. I wonder if the depth will change that. I will be interested to hear how yours does, and Bill's too.

Thanks for the link. I watched part of the video but could not handle the rest. I like my videos instructive and to the point. When they waste video time starting at the house walking to the apiary, or say "Oh, look! There's my ducks", or talk about everything but the given titled subject, I lose patience. I keep rejecting these 45 minute videos with only 5 minutes of actual relative content.
I suppose they are life bloggers and not beekeeping instruction video makers.

Offline The15thMember

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2023, 11:11:06 pm »
Thanks for the link. I watched part of the video but could not handle the rest. I like my videos instructive and to the point. When they
waste video time starting at the house walking to the apiary, or say "Oh, look! There's my ducks", or talk about everything but the given titled subject, I lose patience. I keep rejecting these 45 minute videos with only 5 minutes of actual relative content.
I suppose they are life bloggers and not beekeeping instruction video makers.
Oh man, I really struggle with that too.  I can't stand to waste 20 minutes trying to sift through a video to get a question answered, when I could find the answer in 5 min. if I just had an article to skim. 
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2023, 12:28:08 am »
Sorry Bob, i did not watch the video. I don?t blame you. I don?t like wasting time on something I?m not interesting in either. The title caught my eye.


Offline Michael Bush

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #43 on: April 20, 2023, 06:19:02 am »
> if I just had an article to skim. 

Yes!  I can find nuggets in text in seconds...
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Online Ben Framed

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #44 on: April 20, 2023, 07:57:48 am »
Thanks for the link. I watched part of the video but could not handle the rest. I like my videos instructive and to the point. When they
waste video time starting at the house walking to the apiary, or say "Oh, look! There's my ducks", or talk about everything but the given titled subject, I lose patience. I keep rejecting these 45 minute videos with only 5 minutes of actual relative content.
I suppose they are life bloggers and not beekeeping instruction video makers.
Oh man, I really struggle with that too.  I can't stand to waste 20 minutes trying to sift through a video to get a question answered, when I could find the answer in 5 min. if I just had an article to skim.

I just skimmed through the first 30 minutes or so of the transcript. He was doing a live video 'taking and answering' questions from viewers form different parts of the 'World' concerning this type hive.
'Boring to me as I don't have much interest in this type hive'. But might be interesting to those who are interested in this subject, appreciating beekeeper fellowship, along with an adequate amount of patience required for live videos. I listened to a few of 'Don The Fat Beeman' live streams when I first began beekeeping, (Don, by the way, is a member here.)

Offline Bob Wilson

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2023, 05:22:04 pm »
I am really liking this Layens.
It has 9 full frames and 3 half drawn frames of good, straight comb.
I am seriously considering building a 20-23 frame version, and getting rid of a couple of my long deep langstroths. This 14 frame Layens is actually too small.
1. I like the deeper frame.
2. They are putting larger honey bands across the top.
3. The frames have no open space between them, so any frames together seal the brood underneath.
4. They are 25% larger frames, so there is less to shift, and it's quicker to inspect. And yet, they are not unwieldy at all, like a double deep frames. They are more fun to inspect.

Offline Bill Murray

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Re: Does anyone have a Layen's hive?
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2023, 03:53:31 pm »
Ok quick update on the doubledeep. they have 9 out of 11 frames drawn. They are doing well, drew well and brooded up well for such a small swarm. They will not be supered this year, even though the bees seem to be doing well the frames are still to hard to deal with in my personal opinion. But who knows next spring I may change my mind. The one thing I do like about it it fits on standard equipment, meaning if I wanted to run a couple They fit on pallets, bottom boards, my supers fit etc..