There are also carcinogens in wood smoke. As far as I'm concerned, if it ain't smoked, it ain't bacon.
also ...When you grill meat, that nice smelling smoke contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons .. carcinogenic.
wanna bake a loaf of bread? don't breathe that flour dust, carcinogenic.
Alcohol is classed as a group 1 carcinogen.
"I know not what health concerns others may have, but as for me, give me enjoyment of life, or give me death ! " -- Patrick Animal (and some real people too)
never made bacon, but have made wines, mead, and whiskey ... and they are different. If it's not alcoholic and is carbonated, it's soda ... or a "coke" if you're in Alabama. No alcohol or carbonation in an "alcoholic flavor"... it's an abomination.