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Author Topic: New Member Introduction to Voice Chat Week  (Read 10622 times)

Offline beemaster

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New Member Introduction to Voice Chat Week
« on: April 30, 2007, 12:50:53 am »

We are hosting a special week in our VOICE CHAT to get as many new and seasoned members to join in on this special feature we have and use daily - since it is NOT built into the Forum, you may not be aware of it from older posts concerning the awesome ability to talk live with dozens of other members currently using the free software.

I know with the growth of the forum, you may have missed the posts on Ventrilo Voice Chat, so I want to make those of you not aware that we have a totally awesome live voice chat system used by dozens of members already, with room for many many more.

We have had UNREAL growth in the forum these last few months, beekeeping is a hot topic these days and THIS MONTH alone we exceeded 112 new members, and new record posts and topics BUT we haven't had any NEW MEMBERS in Ventrilo Chat - ugh. Somehow I'm missing out on spreading the word and I'll be posting in the CALENDAR that is up coming week will be NEW MEMBER VOICE CHAT WEEK, a time when we can hopefully introduce new or seasoned members to this near magical way we communicate nightly around the globe seamlessly and easily with nothing more than a cheap mic and speakers or headsets. The technology is VOICE OVER IP - the same type of communication your cable or dsl service offers you in those cable, phone and Internet deals EXCEPT of course it is free, it is easy to setup and it uses very little resources from your computer.

We average anywhere from 5 to 8 people online in voice chat every evening and often play great online multiplayer war and golf games while chatting away - you just install the easy software, adjust the mic and pic a key for push to talk and you are on the air live with members from the forum. Honestly, it is an extension of the forum that you are really missing out on - a feature that has brought great friendship to many members.

For those reading this who are new - a link on setting up our VOICE CHAT will follow. The many members who currently meet in voice chat nearly every evening "are far from just members" they are family. It is a warm, fun and friendly place to talk about bees, play online games and just chat with friends from around this wonderful planet in QUALITY AUDIO - I promise, you are seriously missing out on a wonderful way to expand your forum experience, your knowledge on beekeeping and learning in an instantaneous environment facts about places you only dream about.

The growth of the forum is awesome, there is no other way to put it. We are proud to offer it and keeping it safe and friendly for your entire family is our goal. Parents are always worried (and rightfully so) about where their kids are on the net: in our voice chat, they are supervised and communicate in a fun and friendly environment. It is really great to hear the kids of the forum in voice chat, both being kids and being young beekeepers - the interaction with young folks like Austin, Katelyn, Samantha and Josh gives us old fogies a real promise that we have a generation of smart and well spoken young folks that make all their parents proud. Hopefully, you too have kids who are in need of a safe place to interact with others their own age, why not give it a try for you and for them.

As membership grows in voice chat, I'll need to expand the number of members who can talk simultaneously, I long for that day - currently 8 members can log-in at once, the next step is 25 members and I'm just waiting on the NEED for hosting that many conversations at once to expand this great feature. As a bit of information, the software can literally host hundreds of members in countless rooms created for talking about anything family friendly. This way, gamers are not tying up a room where people wish to talk about beekeeping, etc.. We can customise this, on the fly as needed to meet the needs of the membership, so DON'T BE SHY, at the very least come in and listen, you can type if you don't have a mic and if you can't afford a mic but wish to talk, just PM ME anytime and you WILL get setup free, fast and kept your needs kept personal, I promise.

Best wishes all - To all you voice chatters, it makes for a wonderful day to spend time laughing, learning and playing games with you all :)

VENTRILO VOICE and TEXT CHAT - http://forum.beemaster.com/index.php?topic=5880.0

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Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.