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Author Topic: 2015 Natural Beekeeping Symposium fet. Ross Conrad - Philadelphia, Feb 8th  (Read 8535 times)

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Sunday February 8, 2015  10 am to 4 pm

Temple University - Kiva Auditorium

1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave Philadelphia, PA 19122


Due to generous sponsorships from Temple University Office of Sustainability and Whole Foods Market (Mid-Atlantic North region), we are able to offer the symposium tickets for LESS THAN LAST YEAR'S PRICE for those who register by January 31, 2015!  Guild Members $20; Non-members $30, and holders of current Temple University IDs $15.  Click the following EventBrite link to register.

Eventbrite - Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild 5th Annual Natural Beekeeping Symposium
Groups of 10 or more people registering at the same time will receive the member rate, which is ideal for other local beekeeping associations who want to organize an educational trip to our fair city! Contact info@phillybeekeepers.org to arrange the group rate.

Box lunch is included in the ticket price.  Vegetarian options are available.  When purchasing your ticket, please comment on your dietary restrictions so the caterer can provide what you require.

Tips on parking and public transportation may be found at the following link: http://campusoperations.temple.edu/parking-transportation

The symposium will feature Ross Conrad, who is a well-respected beekeeper and author of a number of books and DVDs on natural beekeeping.  Ross also runs the dancingbeegardens.com website which has a wealth of information about keeping bees without the use of chemicals and pesticides.

The first 50 ticket purchasers will be entered into a drawing to have a free dinner with Ross Conrad and the Board of the Guild Sunday Feb 8 after the symposium.
Registration opens at 9:30 am, tentative agenda follows:
10 am - 12 pm Ross Conrad
Getting started with Organic Beekeeping: a balanced view of natural and organic beekeeping topics and practices  with emphasis on pest management.
12 - 1 pm  lunch and vendor browsing
1 - 2 pm  Katy Ciola Evans,  University of Delaware
 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and results of her 2014 IPM study of treatment-free beekeepers; citizen science.
2 - 4 pm  Ross Conrad
Working with Swarms & Queens:  Based upon research conducted at Cornell University, Ross will share tips on understanding the swarm and how to evaluate the queen and resolve queen issues as they come up.
4 pm raffle drawing . . . socializing/cleanup


More details about the topics will be provided as the date gets closer.  Please check back periodically for updates.