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Author Topic: Another year with Beemaster!!  (Read 9034 times)

Offline buzzbee

  • Ken
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Another year with Beemaster!!
« on: March 01, 2011, 07:06:17 pm »
This is another start to another year at Beemaster forums.
John has selflessly brought together so many people from so many walks of life since 2004.. Many have met and became close friends over the years as well as the bunch that drop in and say hi over the ventrilo voice chat that John has provided for us.
  I say hats off to John and looking forward to another great year of talking and learning at Beemaster.com
I never imagined when I joined that I would meet so many of the people.
It started off with John and Tracey Clayton,along with Dallas(PDMattox) and Chris (CWbees) in Trenton New jersey for a fun day at the USS New Jersey and a trip to Philadelphia.
  The next pleasant surprise was a visit from Geoff form the land down under.A visit I will always remember.
  The next big ,and I mean big adventure was going to Buds in Mississippi. It was a long trip from PA,but worth every minute of travel.I was pleased to meet so many of the members from the forum,along with some that heard and had to be sure not to miss it all.
  I am looking to the future ,hoping to meet more Beemaster members over time.
Thanks for the great meeting place John!!!!