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Author Topic: COMPLETE VENTRILO INSTALL AND SETUP GUIDE - everything to get you in chat today!  (Read 46170 times)

Offline beemaster

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All Members and Guests:

We are expanding the usability of Ventrilo Voice/Text chat increasing the maximum users to 30 - this number can GREATLY be increased as our chat user numbers increase WITHOUT needing to re-enter IP and port info again.

Updated message August 2010
eivindm added a section about Ventrilo in Linux at the bottom.

Updated message on October 4th 2011

We are having a VOICE CHAT PLEDGE DRIVE - where all we ask in Novemmber that active member TRY using our voice chat Rooms - it is fun, free, easy to download free software, and Hosted on a professional server with 30 member talk and text members can communicate at once. It is nice and I'm hoping for Christmas, we have 30 Voice Chat Members regularly on line each night.

This update is simple, you need only change the IP and Port address as shown below - it is accessed after loading Ventrilo and prior to hitting "connect". Where it says SERVER on the ventrilo screen, click the arrow on the right side and you'll see the IP and Port numbers - change them to the following:


IP <<<< NEW IP ADDRESS Fall 2011 until revised!!!
port 8896

When you hit OK, you'll return to the connect screen, hit connect and enter the new 15 member Ventrilo.

PLEASE REMEMBER - you can Talk in Voice, Type in text chat while listening to voice, or just hang out and read/listen.

The following is instructions for users who have NOT downloaded and installed Ventrilo yet - it is a step by step walk-thru and once you get into Ventrilo, someone will help you set up your settings which take only a few minutes.



First click here to download the software at http://www.ventrilo.com Click downloads and look for the Windows downloas of Client software.

1) After Clicking the link above, choose "RUN" to start install process.
2) The first box you see after install is completed is: PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO RED WORDING
* In this first box, the boxes are actually blank - you will be filling in the basic info.

Follow the instructions listing on the image to create your name. Just CLICK the NEW BUTTON - the "Phonetic and Word Dir" sections are to remain blank.

Follow these for setting the server settings:

Note: the following screen is accessed by hitting the SETUP BUTTON in the Ventrilo Main window.

EVERYTHING MARKED IN RED is important settings - the ONLY thing DIFFERENT you need to add is your USERNAME - all port, IP, servernames, etc. are as shown in red.

Also NOTE that you may need to TURN ON YOUR MIC in Windows VOLUME MASTER (the little speaker icon in the task bar) and many users choose to wear headphones to reduce any possible feedback, although proper volume control and nicely spaced speakers can totally eliminate such possible but rare problem

Update by eivindm: The Windows software from Ventrilo does not work well in Linux under Wine, and they provide no native Linux version.

But there is a program called Mangler (http://www.mangler.org/) that work very well in Linux.  If you use Ubuntu, you can install it with:
sudo apt-get install mangler

That's it :-)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 01:14:43 am by beemaster »
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Offline buzzbee

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IPs and ports have been updated. See this post.

NOTE: the post ABOVE reflects the CORRECT NEW IP ADDRESS
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 01:15:49 am by beemaster »

Offline buzzbee

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Here is a video to show how to use the ventrilo voice chat for anyone that's interested in trying it.