We have a long stretch of very cold weather being forecast, so I hefted and checked moisture quilts today, while it's still high 50s F and sunny. I have two colonies that I have sugar balls on, and both appear to be eating them, although one colony had a good bit of sugar dropped on their bottom board. One colony needed a quilt changed, which I had been anticipating, since this hive always seems to run wetter than the others for some reason.
The colony on the leaning stand looks worse today, the top box has almost slid far enough forward for me to see inside. I'm not sure if I should straighten it out or not. I mean, I obviously would rather the box be properly squared, but I'm worried if I crack the propolis seal when it's chilly like this that the box will be even more unstable because the propolis won't be holding it together anymore. On the other hand, I'd rather try and straighten it out when it's 50F than when it's 30F. Everyone else is either not home or really busy today, but maybe I should get someone to help me move the hive to another stand tomorrow.