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Author Topic: Silly TV show portraying bees.  (Read 2750 times)

Offline Better.to.Bee.than.not

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Silly TV show portraying bees.
« on: October 11, 2014, 04:31:12 pm »
I'm flipping through the channels right now, and come across this show calling flipping vegas s05/e07. where they buy homes and remake them and flip them....they make it sound all dramatic and just silly....well, you guessed it, there was a honeybee hive in a shed out in the back yard. pretty decent sized one... The guy comes upon it, pulls down a door/panel that is blocking the doorway, freaks out, starts flailing his arms all over the place and runs in the house and slams the door...didn;t get stung...nothing happened....then he calls the 'pest control' and they give the audio "Don't go near those bees, they have a 90% chance of being killer africanized bees!" and they 'rush' out to this dillholes house (He states "They were there within 20 minutes to show how serious of a threat this was.)...and they go out to look at the hive....
  now, the pest control guys are in tee-shirts and casually look at it of course. but they come back and tell the guy "On camera" yes, what you have there is a africanized honey bee hive" (See...that isn;t a lie really, since pretty much all bees there have 'some' percentage of africanized genes in them.... but it sounds like what they are saying is these are 'killer uber angry bees"(In fact they even claimed the hive was angry...when it wasn't at all.) and then they charged the guy $350 to remove it. now picture this...the hive wasn't in a wall. it was a stone shed, and it was just hanging from the ceiling. that is it.....oh man....

Offline OzarksFarmGirl

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Re: Silly TV show portraying bees.
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2014, 05:04:02 pm »
Nothing like perpetuating the fallacious idea that beekeeping in an urban/suburban environment is "Dangerous!" and is something to be banned.   :-x   

Offline richter1978

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Re: Silly TV show portraying bees.
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2014, 08:02:49 pm »
Saw one similar the other night. "Africanized bees are a real problem around here, well we're gonna suit up and dispose of them."  Not a single bee in their faces or hitting the camera, what appeared to be a docile colony. Can't remember what show I was watching. On and on about AHB.

Offline hjon71

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Re: Silly TV show portraying bees.
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2014, 09:52:21 pm »
LOL. Is it bad I kinda wish it had been AHB? Now THAT would have been a show!
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Offline Better.to.Bee.than.not

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Re: Silly TV show portraying bees.
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2014, 02:41:15 am »
Oh ya for sure...I'm in Michigan. we do not get 'killer bees' here, our hard winters is a bit much for them to deal with, evidently at this time. but I've had some fairly aggressive bees to deal with, and they don't just mildly fly around your suit. They are all over you trying to find any opening they can, and clinging on for dear life trying to commit banzai. They'll bounce off window panes trying to go through em to get to you. On this show it was death by nothing. not even one bee attacking them even as they removed the comb.

Offline BlueBee

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Re: Silly TV show portraying bees.
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2014, 03:15:32 am »
Yeah, I’ve seen the show numerous times, but haven’t seen the honey bee episode yet.  Some sort of animal problem is a recurrent theme on that show.  They’ve had bats, roaches, scorpions, coyotes, birds, mice, etc.  Hollywood evidently believes it takes exaggeration and drama to get an audience.  From the likes of all the reality shows, they might be right. 

I think it’s probably also pretty good fiction to claim these guys make $50K to $150K per flip!!  Let's see them do that in Michigan!

Kind of ironic, but my most aggressive bees are the ones I winter in a wood hive.  I only have one wood hive alive after last winter.   (I have about 30 in polystyrene hives)  Those woodies are some hardy bees, but not very gentle if you try to mess with their hive!  I dread cracking the cover of that thing.

Offline greenbtree

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Re: Silly TV show portraying bees.
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 05:11:59 pm »
Well, that's a show I will avoid.  Seeing that kind of thing drives me up the wall.  I don't need to add to their ratings either.

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