They Shall Not Grow Old


This is an amazing documentary film by Peter Jackson, who made the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  He had access to a lot of 100-year-old film that he restored and colorized so that it looked like it had been made yesterday.  After the movie, Jackson spent about a half hour telling/showing how the film was restored.  The original film lacked sound, but in some cases lip readers were able to tell what was being said and it was dubbed in. 

All in all, this was a better movie than most of the stuff up for Academy Awards.

I saw an ad for this a few months ago. I thought it looked so cool, and then I promptly forgot all about it. Thanks for reminding me! 

You are welcome.  Enjoy it if you can still find it in a theater.  I guess it will be available at Redbox or to stream somewhere, but big screen would be better to do the film justice.  Be prepared to have the end-title song running through your head for a while (Hinky Dinky Parlez Vous?- I won?t attempt the real title of the song).


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