One thing I found when vaping to control varroa were a few rogue hives where the counts simply didn't go down. This was using a sublimox which is referred to as a positive pressure vaper as it expels the vapour forcefully into the hive. My vaping was based on 4 vapes spread 5 days apart. Worst case was one hive needed 10 vapes before number of varroa dropping was deemed satisfactory. And most apiary sites had at least one of these rogues often requiring 6-7 vapes i. Whilst the stuff for vaping (OA) is not expensive, the kit for dong it effectively is and also my time is precious and some of my sites are 30 minute drives each way. This was taking me far to much time to be a viable method for me.
So went for regime of 3 years with Apivar strips, followed by 3 years with Apistan strips to avoid any problems with mite resistance.
Not cheap, but dead easy to use as takes seconds to add a couple of strips per hive, leave for 6-8 weeks and remove. Checking mite drops is the only arduous bit but my trays take seconds to pull and count the dead mites.