Recovering Wax

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well, it's always the better idea to err on the safe side ... unless having fun is involved :wink:

offhand .... can't think of a way to make a flaming crock pot fun ... but it sounds like it could have potential .. I'll give it some thought  :cool:

Crock pot?s definitely do have thermal regulation switches on them. Most have three settings or variable potentiometers. Other wise they would burn every meal ever put in them. I have repaired a few of them, they also have a hard wired fuse in case the thermostats go bad. Eventually the fuses open due to age which is why they stop working.
Jim Altmiller

Terri Yaki:
I inherited a crock pot that didn't work once and out of curiosity, I took it apart. For some reason, all I remember about that was that the nut holding it together was bottom center and the bolt was cut off short at the nut. So short that I couldn't get it to thread back on so I passed it along to someone else.

That makes more sense .. to have a fuse as a safety rather than a limit switch(less chance of failure). A burner control on a stove can fail in a way that it runs the burner wide open and was thinking it might be possible for the crock pot control to do the same thing. It seemed like with everything enclosed, the crock pot would need a safety of some sort and wrongly thought "limit switch". .. so the fuse would be a thermal cutoff type ?

Terri Yaki:
Did another batch yesterday and here's some pictures for you. The cheese cloth seems to be plastic of some sort (rayon, nylon, IDK), which probably helps with easier separation of the residue.

First one is after a reloading of the pot after meltdown of initial load, second is after completely done but still in the pot and the third one is after removing the residue from the cheesecloth. A hole has developed in the bottom of the cheesecloth and is letting small amounts of debris through but since I'm just using the wax to coat frames, I'm not worried about it. The crock pot does have some wax on the inside of it but not enough to make me change my MO. After cooling, the wax has shrunk and pulled away from the wall of the crock pot and removal of the disc is easy with a fork. As far as I'm concerned, this is the way for me and if I wanted cleaner wax, I would just filter it again.


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