driping candles
Candle makers out there, I need your help. I made pure beeswax candles and they dripped really badly. Did I do something wrong. I used a wick with zinc in it and a mold with a spiral. They did not burn well at all. The candles look great.
Any suggestions?
Brian D. Bray:
True bee's wax tapers are meant to be dipped not molded. Taper molds are meant for Parifane. I use feed sack strings and weave them into a 3 or 4 string wick. I then dip them into the pot of moulten wax. The wicks are initially weighted with a split-shot sinker which is removed after about 6 dippings as the developing candle is then strong and rigid enough to not require the weight. I made a rack out of J hooks and make 2 candles on each string by weighting both ends and holding the wick in the middle. I get 2 nice 8-10 inch tapers. The rack can old up to 12 candles at a time and if the right sized pot is used the rack can also be used as a jig to dip all candles at the same time.
I must say it is fun to watch the candles take form and substance with each successive dipping in the wax. Want colored or scented candles, add food dyes and/or essential oils.
the problem is your wick -try #2 braided cotton-square- ;) RDY-B
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