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OK, after reading several different thoughts on when to stop, I still don't know so I'll see what the thoughts are these days.

Got my nuc on April 14 and have been feeding them all along. For a short bit, feeding slowed but right now, they're drinking it like drunken sailors. I gave them six cups of syrup on Sunday and it's gone already. Hive is thriving, tulip poplars are in full bloom and abundant around here but they are still building wax. What to do?
I thought you were working in a small creek not a river. 😆
I figured if you found the right rock and with a shovel you dig a hole under the down stream side it would tend to catch heavy material.  Just how many gold prospectors do you have working your area?

Jim Altmiller
That?s tough Nigel, it?s good you found the problem!
2nd Honey extraction of the season today and my darn extractor stops working. Electric motor won't turn the cage.  Rang the place I bought it from "can I bring in for repair", basically told no, we are far too busy with the likes of you who spent a grand on a big extractor.....customer service nil.....
Fortunately I know one of the guys who works there so rang him direct and he was able to diagnose what the problem probably was, the top bearing. To get at it spent entire morning stripping everything apart to just to get to bearing, and yup it was seized. It was a right ???? to get off.
Thank goodness for Amazon prime a pair of bearings ordered to arrive tomorrow, ?7.....
A new extractor would now set me back 1400 quid.
Couldn?t you just put a traffic cone in it and claim it? :cheesy:
I wil try to add a photo - first time!
Photo did not work...? :cry:
I have finished cleaning all my cappings from last season.
It does take time but Les and I believe that clean beeswax will sell at a premium when we have to treat for varroa multiple times a year .

I slashed around the hives in all my  yards - looking nice and I may need to mow one more time before September. Winter is not far off and growth slows.
I think I got most of the gear ready I want to enter  in the local Agricultural Show.
It is quite competitive here with a lot of beekeepers around.
Having a First Prize certificate next to the honey does increase sales.
The local show is poorly organised and it does take time to enter.

I would like to enter a couple of capped frames but the weather has not been ideal to produce nice combs.

There was enough daylight to check on the cattle and do some weeding in the garden.
Work never ends on a farm.
I will try to add a photo - first time!

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES FORUM / Re: Gold prospecting using a metal detector
« Last post by Lesgold on Today at 01:56:40 am »
The theory is good Jim. That would work as we often find gold in depressions like that. A 20 ton excavator would be just what we need.🥴🥴🥴  Dig a deep hole down to bedrock, wait for the next flood and then come back to find that someone else has reaped the rewards of your effort. 😂😂😂😂 If you we?re prepared to fly out and dig the hole, I?d be more than happy to go 50/50  :cheesy: :cheesy:
« Last post by Ben Framed on Today at 01:16:39 am »
some of us could've done without that mental picture :shocked:

Ain?t that the truth!  :cheesy:
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