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You might get a leaf blower to work.  A air compressor is too powerful.
With a pressure regulator, I can reduce to flow to anything down to almost nothing. You'll probably get a report on its success in the future. :cool:
From your hives in the background?

Actually, the hive it probably came from was to the right of the picture.  The ones in the background are the splits I made a few weeks ago.  Just a side note, I need shorter trees.  The swarms that I caught 10 years ago were not nearly as hard to reach.  My fruit trees are getting too tall.  That should be something to consider when starting an apiary.  Have short trees or bushes for swarms to land on.
You might get a leaf blower to work.  A air compressor is too powerful.
Except the bees keep elephants away, they don't draw them in like bears!  :grin: 

I could say the same thing about the farmers.. Who plant their crops.. The elephants like To eat.. So the farmers use the bees as a live Deterrent .. The elephants can smell the crops..

    BEE HAPPY  Jim134   :smile:
Whenever removing bees from combs you need to be decisive.  Violent even.  Brush with hard flicks.  Never try to gently brush bees.  They just hold on tighter and get angry.
Sounds like good advice. I do have a pressure regulator on my air hose, do you think that would work if I got it adjusted properly?
Whenever removing bees from combs you need to be decisive.  Violent even.  Brush with hard flicks.  Never try to gently brush bees.  They just hold on tighter and get angry.
From varroa testing, there are about 300 bees per 1/2 cup. Therefore with some simple sums, that?s about 2400 bees per litre. Or about 22800 bees for your half bucket. Not a bad little swarm. That should make a nice hive. That should produce a surplus for you this season.
That was the third one caught today. 

From your hives in the background?
How many bees fit into a five gallon bucket?  Or more to the point a bucket half full of bees.  Cause that is how big the swarm was that I caught the evening.  That was the third one caught today.  First one was at a neighbors house.  Was the size of a volleyball.  Second one was about twice the size of the first.  Then came the big one in the picture. :shocked:
I'm trying to make some wise crack about how a 17 minute video is too long and I can't watch it at 1.5x speed, but nothing clever is coming to me.  :wink:  :cheesy:

Hum, :wink:  now where have we heard that before?  :cheesy: :wink:
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