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Hi, I am hoping to start a couple of hives from some feral bees I have in a wall. I want to post some pictures of some dead bees so I can find out what happend. Can someone tell me how to post pic's to my thread.

Click on "new topic", then scroll down and click on "attachments", then "browse". Then upload your pic.

If the bees are in your house and you don't want to tear it up, read this post and all links in it.

Terri Yaki:
And there is a size limit to your pics but I forget what it is.

Welcome to Beemaster, it will be interesting to see how your removal goes.

Welcome to Beemaster.
If the bees have been in the wall for more than a month or so doing a trapout can cause serious problems. Used to bee, before small hive beetles, you could do it and the honey would stay in the wall. Now as soon as the bee?s numbers start to drop the SHBs lay tens of thousands of eggs. Three days later they start to hatch, the larvae crawl through the brood and honey cells and leave yeast in the honey. It ferments and the honey begins to drip out. It can drip down the wall for 3-4 weeks. Then the real problem starts, the SHB larvae are ready to pupate. To do this, they need to find dirt and thousands and thousands of larvae start coming out of the wall into your house. For a couple of weeks.
I have had to deal with this for a customer. It was not nice.
If I can find the pictures I will post them.
Do a cutout. Do a search for JPthebeeman. JP did hundreds of videos on how to remove bees from almost every structure there is.
Where is Abilene? Please update your profile to include your state. If you are in Texas, if possible, I would wait until spring to remove the bees.
Good luck,
Jim Altmiller

Ben Framed:
Welcome to Beemaster. Beemaster2s advice pretty well covered it! In the mean time ask all rhe questions you would like and Beemaster members will gladly help you with your bees.
PS I obtained my first bees by a cutout at a home as well!



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