Thanks again guys. If we share our ideas, we can then develop and improve them to suit our own situation. Cao, I hope that you can use these ideas if they are of any use to you. That?s why I post when ever I can. Hopefully we can inspire each other and keep the passion going. There has been many tips, tricks and ideas that Ive seen on this site that has helped me so it?s only fair to share a few of my own. Kathy, your grandfather sounds like he was an ideas person (just like you) It would have been fantastic to meet and talk with someone who obviously had at rare gift. Acebird, the lids were turned on a wood lathe. The chuck in the photo was designed for holding blocks of wood in both the expanding and compressing modes. I purchased it over 30 years ago. It?s really good for saving time, especially in this type of situation. Phillip, thank you gain for your encouragement. It keeps me on my toes and helps the old grey matter to tick over. I already have a few more projects planned that I will be sharing with you when I get the time to get started. Two of them are beekeeping related and would require some input from you guys as they are both techniques that I have seen and not tried myself. The other project will be a camping based construction which will hopefully start sometime next week.