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Author Topic: list of toxicity to honey bees of pesticides  (Read 6289 times)

Offline Better.to.Bee.than.not

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list of toxicity to honey bees of pesticides
« on: June 26, 2013, 05:38:39 pm »
Figured folks may find this list I came across useful. maybe it is worthy to be a sticky?


Group 1 – Highly Toxic
Severe losses may be expected if the following materials are used when bees
are present at treatment time or within a few days thereafter,
except as indicated by footnotes.
(LD50 less than 2mg/bee)

   abamectin (Agri-mek, Avid)
   acephate (Orthene)
   aldicarb (Temik)
   aminocarb (Matacil)
   azinphos-methyl (Guthion, APM)
   carbaryl (Sevin)
   carbofuran (Furadan)
   chlorpyrifos (Lorsban, Dursban)
   diazinon (Basudin, Bug-B-Gon, Dia-One)
   dichlorvos (DDVP)
   dimethoate (Cygon, Di-Thoate, Lagon)
   fenitrothion (Sumithion, Folithion)
   fensulfothion (Dasanit)
   fenthion (Baytex, Tiguvon, Spotton, Lysoff, Entex)
   fenvalerate (Bovaid)
   fonofos (Dyfonate)
   Imidacloprid (Gaucho)
   lindane (Lindane, Ambrocide, Stockpest)
   malathion (Malathion 50E, Malathion ULV, Cythion, Fyfenon)
   methamidophos (Monitor)
   methidathion (Supracide)
   methiocarb (Mesurol)
   Methomyl (Lannate)
   naled (Dibrom)
   permethrin (Ambush, Pounce, Ectiban, Atroban, Permectin, Siecn)
   phosmet (Imidan)
   propoxur (Baygon)

Group 2 – Moderately Toxic
These can be used around bees if dosage, timing, and method of application are correct,
but should not be applied directly on bees in the field or at the colonies.
(LD50 between 2 and 11 mg/bee)

    coumaphos (Co-Ral)
   crotoxyphos demeton (Systox)
   disulfoton (DiSyston)
   endosulfan (Thiodan, Thionex)
   formetanate hydrochloride (Carzol)
   oxamyl (Vydate)
   oxydemethon-methyl (Metasystox-R)
   phorate (Thimet)
   phosalone (Zolone)
   sethoxydim (Poast)
   terbufos (Counter)
   triforine (Funginex)

Group 3 – Relatively Nontoxic
These can be used around bees with a minimum of injury.
(LD50 greater than 11 mg/bee)

    2,4-D (Weed-B-Gone)
   2,4-DB (Weedaway, Caliber, Cobutox, Embutox, See)
   Amitrole (X-all, Steril, Altizol, Amitrol-T, Amizol)
   anilazine (Dyrene)
   atrazine (AAtrex)
   Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel, Thuricide, Novabac, Vectobac, Teknar, Foray, Trident, Novodor, Tersan)
   benomyl (Benlate)
   bentazon (Basagran)
   Bordeaux mixture
   bromacil (Hyvar)
   bromoxynil (Pardner, Torch, Brominal, Unity, Karil)
   butylate (Sutan+)
   captan chloramben (No-Hoe)
   chlormequat chloride (Cycocel)
   chlorophacinone (Rozol, KSC5, Rat-XC, Super Bloc, Ratol, Disblok, Ground Force, Parapel, Gopher Doom, Ratachlor)
   chloropicrin (Timber Fume)
   chlorothalonil (Bravo, Daconil, Nopcocide, Nuocide, Exotherm, Termil)
   chlorpropham (Sprout Nip, ChlorolPC, Spud-Nic)
   clofentezine (Apollo SC)
   Copper 8-quinolinolate (PQ, Quinolate, Cupristat)
   cyanazine (Bladex) cycloate (Ro-Neet)
   daminozide (B-Nine Sp)
   dazomet (Basamid, Slime-Trol, Metasol, Nalcon, Amerstat)
   dicamba (Banvel, Dycleer, Clarity, Cadence)
   dichlobenil (Casoron, Stryke)
   dichlone (Phygon)
   diclofop-methyl (Hoe Grass)
   dicofol (Kelthane)
   dienochlor (Pentac)
   diflubenzuron (Dimilin)
   dinocap (Karathane)
   Diquat (Reglone) diuron (Diurex, Karmx)
   dodemorph acetate (Meltatox)
   dodine (Betz, Equal, Cyprex, Syllit)
   endothall (Des-i-cate) EPTC (Eptam, Eradicane)
   ethephon (Cerone, Ethrel, Nu-Tomatotone, Base-250)
   ethofumesate (Nortron)
   ferbam folpet (Phaltan, Folpan)
   fosamine ammonium (Krenite)
   gibberellic acid (Activol)
   glyphosate (Round-Up, Side-Kick, Wrangler, Laredo, Renegade, Rustler, Rup, Clear-it, Touchdown, Glyfos)
   iprodione (Chipco) linuron (Lorox)
   mancozeb (Manzate, Penncozeb)
   maneb MCPB (Topside, Tropotox)
   mecoprop (Mecoturf, Compitox, Chemweed)
   metalaxyl (Apron, Subdue, Ridomil)
   metaldehyde (Slug Bait)
   methoxychlor (Flo-pro, Methoxol, Moth Proofer, Marlate)
   methyl bromide (Meth-O-Gas, Terr-o-gas)
   metiram (Polyram DF)
   metobromuron (Patoran)
   metolachlor (Dual)
   metribuzin (Sencor, Lexone, Fire)
   monolinuron (Afesin)
   MSMA (Glowon)
   napropamide (Devrinol) naptalam (Alanap)
   nicotine oxadiazon (Ronstar)
   oxycarboxin (Plantvax)
   paraquat (Sweep)
   pebulate (Tillam)
   phenmedipham (Spin-Aid)
   picloram (Tordon)
   pirimicarb (Pirimor)
   prometryn propargite (Omite)
   rotenone (Noxfish, Deritex, Rotacide, Chem-fish, My-T-Mite)
   simazine (Princep)
   sulfur (Kumulus)
   TCA [trichloracetic acid] (NATA, Bar-Fox)
   terbacil (Sinbar)
   thiabendazole (Arbortect, Mertect, Apl Lustr, Britex)
   thiophanate-methyl (Senator, Easout, Zap Cap)
   thiram (Skoot, Ropellant)
   trichlorfon (Dipterex, Dylox, Grybex)
   triclopyr (Garlon)
   trifluralin (Treflan, Triflurex, Rival, Bonanza)
   vernolate (Vernam, Surpass)
   warfarin (Rodentkil, Warfarin)
   zineb (Zineb)
   ziram (Ziram)

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Re: list of toxicity to honey bees of pesticides
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 10:27:10 pm »
Thanks for the info

Offline Bradeeen

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Re: list of toxicity to honey bees of pesticides
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2013, 06:01:07 am »
Honey bees are social insects and not dangerous in normal condition if we disturb them these bees much dangerous for us and our animals which is not good for us.There for we are all need to far away from these to save our self and others from these.

Offline Lone

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Re: list of toxicity to honey bees of pesticides
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2014, 04:39:46 am »
I've had a request to put a hive or two at an orchard, very convenient for us, on the outskirts of town. It's mainly mandarins, grapes, tomatoes, pumpkins. I went today and asked about sprays.  They use lannate-L and dimethoate, both on the highly toxic list, as well as copper and sulphur.  They said that they need to spray when flowering at times, but spray only late afternoon.  I see on the information sheet about lannate that it recommends for bees not spraying 10 days before flowering and until the flowers die. I'm very reluctant to place hives there.  We do have a couple of hives at a market garden and I think he may also spray with lannate, so I need to find out more about when he sprays also.  Has anyone had experience and success with combining bees and orchards and can advise on what I should do?  I don't like the idea of poisons in the hive, but as both places are in town, it's hard to avoid pesticides.  There is not much flowering at home in the bush at the moment, but at least I know it's almost certainly clear of poisons.


Offline Better.to.Bee.than.not

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Re: list of toxicity to honey bees of pesticides
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2014, 07:05:26 pm »
They are telling you they are clearly going to be using it in a prime time when the bees will be on the flowers. chances are it's going to have a effect on your hives. If you charge them a standard full replacement rate then you are covered though, and if they are ok, then you are ok on top of it. Always make sure you have enough colonies to replenish losses yourself. and you should always be growing so when loses occur, and they will always occur eventually, at worse you will fall back to normal levels. remember you cannot have too many colonies. if you do, you can always cull them or sell them, or just set them free for that matter. The cost you charge, and indeed have to charge is based upon the risk and the loss involved. and make sure it is in your pollination contracts, though this is your business. I'm not gonna tell you how to run your business. thats why it is your business. In this case, I'd write the bees off as going to be a loss right from the get-go.