It is. If you get your nose right up to them you can smell the sweetness of the flowers. I planted four. Three made it. Two bloomed. One kept its blooms. I?m going to get a few more this fall.
I have one sourwood, two blueberries, one sourwood, two blueberries, one sour......all down between the back yard and the dirt road along the property line.
Those should serve you well in years to come. There is no honey like that sourwood!
We made sandwiches with our leftover chicken tonight. BBQ on ciabatta rolls with homegrown pickled peppers and homegrown potato salad on the side. (No zucs tonight finally!

) Eating in front of the TV tonight with the NASCAR race running late. Alan, if you are listening, you'll be happy. Kyle Busch had the pole and was leading the race when on lap 8 there was a sudden rain shower, and the car spun in the water, backed into the fence, and he was done for the day.

He was jacked that NASCAR had taken so long to throw the yellow and let them know through their proxy, the pace car!