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Offline The15thMember

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2021, 10:20:50 am »
Here's the recipe if you all want to try it.  This is a hand-me-down recipe that Mom has on a handwritten card, so if you've got questions or clarifications on the wording I can ask her about it. 

Impossible Chicken and Broccoli Pie

10 oz. frozen chopped broccoli, thawed but not cooked
3 cups shredded cheddar, divided
1 1/2 cups cooked chopped chicken
2/3 cup chopped onion
1 1/3 cups milk
3 eggs
3/4 cup Bisquick
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Blot broccoli well with paper towels.  Excess liquid from broccoli will make pie runny.  Grease 10 in. pie plate.  Mix broccoli, 2 cups cheese, chicken, and onion in pie plate.  In a blender mix milk, eggs, Bisquick, salt, and pepper until smooth, about 15 seconds.  Pour liquid mixture slowly over ingredients in pie plate.  Bake 40-50 min. or until knife in center comes out clean.  Top with rest of cheese and put back into oven until cheese is just melted.  Let cool a bit before slicing so pie holds together better. 

Note: Mom lays a piece of foil on the top of the pie partway through baking if it seems to be getting too dark on the top to prevent it from getting overly browned and crunchy.           

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Offline Kathyp

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2021, 11:52:45 am »
Thanks.  I have a lot of eggs sitting around.

here is my custard recipe.  It's from my GGrandmothers old recipe book.   We cracked up every time we pulled it out because she was such a propper teetotaler.

preheat oven to 300

12 eggs
4 cups of milk
big pinch of salt
cinnamon to taste (I use about 2 tsp and you can add ginger and or nutmeg)
vanilla to taste  (about one healthy tsp)
1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar

beat the hell out of it  :grin:

pour into a glass bowl and set the bowl in a dish of water.  cook until just firm in the center.  Cool in water on the countertop.  Cover and chill in an icebox. 

I make mine in individual serving bowls and use a glass sheet cake pan for the water they sit in.  Good way to use some of those extra eggs at this time of the year!

The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

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Offline .30WCF

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2021, 01:26:11 pm »
Another good use of eggs is lemon curd.

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Offline The15thMember

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2021, 08:36:10 pm »
Thanks.  I have a lot of eggs sitting around.

here is my custard recipe.  It's from my GGrandmothers old recipe book.   We cracked up every time we pulled it out because she was such a propper teetotaler.

preheat oven to 300

12 eggs
4 cups of milk
big pinch of salt
cinnamon to taste (I use about 2 tsp and you can add ginger and or nutmeg)
vanilla to taste  (about one healthy tsp)
1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar

beat the hell out of it  :grin:

pour into a glass bowl and set the bowl in a dish of water.  cook until just firm in the center.  Cool in water on the countertop.  Cover and chill in an icebox. 

I make mine in individual serving bowls and use a glass sheet cake pan for the water they sit in.  Good way to use some of those extra eggs at this time of the year!
Ha!  That's a riot!  :cheesy:  My mom doesn't make a lot of custard or puddings because it's never something she really liked herself, but my Dad does, so maybe we can convince her to give it a try. 

All day breakfast again for us.  We do breakfast for dinner about once a week.  Tonight it's sausage gravy over homemade biscuits, Sofitel eggs, and Fresh Summer Fruit Salad. 

So Sofitel eggs requires some explaining.  My father, my sister, and I went to see a Washington Capitals playoff game in DC in 2018, the year they won the Stanley Cup.  It was an amazing experience all around, and in DC we stayed at a hotel called The Sofitel.  They had THE BEST scrambled eggs we had ever had in our lives, and when we got home we demanded Mom figure out how to make them.  She did some research and found online a trick that many hotels use to make their scrambled eggs: heavy cream instead of milk and a little bit of baking powder.  She gave it a try and they were just like we remembered.  We don't ever have normal scrambled eggs anymore, because they are so so good.     

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Offline .30WCF

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What?s Cookin?
« Reply #44 on: July 01, 2021, 11:25:32 pm »
Might be more burgers, WITH EGG, for the 4th.

We have chickens, which means we have extra eggs. (If you watched the rifle sling video, you heard the rooster crowing relentlessly). It?s been a while since I made up a batch of lemon curd. I might try Kathy?s ?s custard. My wife does like a custard pie.

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Offline The15thMember

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2021, 12:02:11 am »
Might be more burgers, WITH EGG, for the 4th.

We have chickens, which means we have extra eggs. (If you watched the rifle sling video, you heard the rooster crowing relentlessly). It?s been a while since I made up a batch of lemon curd. I might try Kathy?s ?s custard. My wife does like a custard pie.

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We're having burgers WITHOUT EGG for the 4th.  :cheesy:  We tried to do burgers on the fire pit for like 3 years in a row on July 4th and it always rained, so we gave up last year and grilled on the porch.  Good thing we did, because it rained, and it might rain again this year.  My dad has been harping on custard ever since we mentioned it, so Mom might give that a try too.   

Our supper tonight was based on the fact that my sister as been experimenting with making stuff out of goats milk.
Homemade pizza with our first ever homemade mozzarella!

We also made ice cream and caramel sauce, both from goats milk.  The caramel sauce is good, but the ice cream didn't exactly set up right.  We'll have to try a different recipe next time. 

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Offline Ben Framed

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2021, 01:05:39 am »

We're having burgers WITHOUT EGG for the 4th.  :cheesy:  We tried to do burgers on the fire pit for like 3 years in a row on July 4th and it always rained, so we gave up last year and grilled on the porch.  Good thing we did, because it rained, and it might rain again this year.  My dad has been harping on custard ever since we mentioned it, so Mom might give that a try too.   

Our supper tonight was based on the fact that my sister as been experimenting with making stuff out of goats milk.
Homemade pizza with our first ever homemade mozzarella!

We also made ice cream and caramel sauce, both from goats milk.  The caramel sauce is good, but the ice cream didn't exactly set up right.  We'll have to try a different recipe next time. 

Member, the girls did good! I have never had homemade mozzarella..  I bet is was great!!
We use to make homemade Ice Cream from custard my Mama would prepare! Vanilla, Strawberry, and Peach were my favorites. We would rotate from fest to fest. I need to ask her for a copy of the recipes. Good stuff!

A true story: A few years ago we made a visit to Washington DC. We took in all the sights and History we possibly could for the time we were there. The last night there we had dinner at Gadsby's Tavern in Alexandria Virginia. This place was PACKED with history! Just outside of the front door on the corner was a underground, brick laced, silo type deep pit and build well. We learned this was built for the sole purpose of storing ICE. Ice which was placed there each winter, cut, blocked, and stacked from the Potomac River just a couple blocks away! Of course ICE was a rare commodity in Alexandria Virginia in the summertime. Remember, there was no usable electricity in the time of George Washington. Actually this tavern was Georges' favorite eating and meeting place when he was in town. (As I said this place is packed with history!). Anyway Gadsby's Tavern was well renowned for having Ice Cream even in Mr Washington's day! I posted about the evening here a few years ago. If anyone is interested I will try and look up the topic.

Offline Ben Framed

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2021, 07:27:58 am »
Re: Remember George Washingtons address declining a third term (summary)
? Reply #3 on: January 14, 2019, 01:46:29 am ?

I am happy to tell you that I had the honor of visiting Mt Vernon! What a grand experience! We also had dinner at The Gadsby's Tavern Restaurant in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. We discovered this wonderful historically packed restaurant and tavern while taking a night tour of the Old Town of Alexandria, on foot, via lantern light.  We were so impressed that we came back on our on the next night for the dinner. This place is packed with history, not only from the early days, but also during the Cilvil War according to our (dressed in colonial attire), tour guide.  This place is where George Washington choose as a favorite dining place, (and was said to be the premiere house in America), when he was in Alexandria conducting business. Just outside the building is a brick lined, several feet deep, round under ground silo or cellar which was used to store ice during the summer months. Ice that was gathered form the Potomac River during the deep cold of winter and stored here.  Ice during these times was a luxury and rare. It was used to make a favorite treat, Ice Cream! The Gadsby Inn, (as a side line of income), was in the Ice business selling this very expensive commodity during the summer to other restaurants and private citizens who might be fortunate enough to afford it, for a premium price of course. Many members of Congress, some who would later themselves become President, would meet here to have dinner with Mr Washington as well as dignitaries form all over the world. Upon his retiring from public service the Continental Army marched past here with President Washington standing on the steps of this very Inn.
Although history tells us that the  Battle of Fort Sumter was the first battle of The Cilvil War, (with no causalities), according to our nighttime dressed in colonial attire guide, the first causality of The Cilvil War was in this very building! According to what he told us there was a huge Confederate Flag flying over this ''skyscraper'' of the day. (only three or four stories tall) This flag could be seen from our Nations Capitol and Ole Abe just couldn't stand the sight of it so close to Washington. Supposedly he sent some specially picked troops there to take it down.  The proprietor of the Inn shot the bearer of the flag dead on his way down the stair way making him the first causality of the war. Now guess who the second causality was? The proprietor! One of the escorting troops shot him!! We greatly enjoyed this dinner with the waiters and waitresses dressed in the attire of the days of our First President and the warmness of eating in the same room and Inn with so much history!  The meal was delicious!!

Offline The15thMember

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2021, 01:22:38 pm »
Member, the girls did good! I have never had homemade mozzarella..  I bet is was great!!
It was delicious and it was surprisingly easy to make.  It only took like 15-20 minutes from start to finish. 

We use to make homemade Ice Cream from custard my Mama would prepare! Vanilla, Strawberry, and Peach were my favorites. We would rotate from fest to fest. I need to ask her for a copy of the recipes. Good stuff!
We do homemade ice cream occasionally, but this is the first time we've tried it with the goats milk.  Oh man, I need to get me some peach ice cream, that sounds soooo good!  If we could just get good peaches around here.  We haven't been able to for several years now. 

A true story: A few years ago we made a visit to Washington DC. We took in all the sights and History we possibly could for the time we were there. The last night there we had dinner at Gadsby's Tavern in Alexandria Virginia. This place was PACKED with history! Just outside of the front door on the corner was a underground, brick laced, silo type deep pit and build well. We learned this was built for the sole purpose of storing ICE. Ice which was placed there each winter, cut, blocked, and stacked from the Potomac River just a couple blocks away! Of course ICE was a rare commodity in Alexandria Virginia in the summertime. Remember, there was no usable electricity in the time of George Washington. Actually this tavern was Georges' favorite eating and meeting place when he was in town. (As I said this place is packed with history!). Anyway Gadsby's Tavern was well renowned for having Ice Cream even in Mr Washington's day! I posted about the evening here a few years ago. If anyone is interested I will try and look up the topic.
Oh that is awesome!  My family spent a good portion of my childhood in the Historic Triangle area of Virginia, so I really grew up around living history.  It really instilled in me an undying love for history.  I remember seeing ice houses in Williamsburg too.  Around here in the mountains, settlers didn't have access to ice, so they made spring houses for keeping goods chilled.  They would construct a small building with a hole in the floor overtop of a stream.  Our mountain water is around 50-60 degrees F in the summer, and colder in the winter, so they would store semi-perishable foodstuffs in containers in the cold water of the stream.  Incidentally enough, my mom used to do the same thing when she went to the mountains with her father.  Her and her friend would buy a case of beer and store it in the river to keep it cool!  :wink:  :cheesy: 
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Offline .30WCF

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2021, 05:12:13 pm »
Might be more burgers, WITH EGG, for the 4th.

We have chickens, which means we have extra eggs. (If you watched the rifle sling video, you heard the rooster crowing relentlessly). It?s been a while since I made up a batch of lemon curd. I might try Kathy?s ?s custard. My wife does like a custard pie.

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We're having burgers WITHOUT EGG for the 4th.  :cheesy:  We tried to do burgers on the fire pit for like 3 years in a row on July 4th and it always rained, so we gave up last year and grilled on the porch.  Good thing we did, because it rained, and it might rain again this year.  My dad has been harping on custard ever since we mentioned it, so Mom might give that a try too.   

Our supper tonight was based on the fact that my sister as been experimenting with making stuff out of goats milk.
Homemade pizza with our first ever homemade mozzarella!

We also made ice cream and caramel sauce, both from goats milk.  The caramel sauce is good, but the ice cream didn't exactly set up right.  We'll have to try a different recipe next time. 

That?s pretty cool, and looks really good too.

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #50 on: July 03, 2021, 10:02:23 pm »
For breakfast we had waffles, bacon, eggs and fried squash.

Fish, scalloped potatoes, and baked squash for dinner.

Made the lemon curd

Kathys custard is in the oven now.

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2021, 11:56:22 am »
That?s a good custard @ Kathy.

Offline The15thMember

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2021, 12:58:47 pm »
Here's our 4th of July spread.  We also had burgers and dogs which were in the oven keeping warm. 

Mom made cupcakes too.

That?s a good custard @ Kathy.
My mom is really interested in trying it too.  Referring to Kathy's great grandmothers recipe, Mom would like to know a little more detail about "beat it to hell".  :cheesy:  Seriously though, is that beat it to hell with a whisk?  With a mixer?  What does it look like when you have mixed it enough? 

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Offline Kathyp

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #53 on: July 05, 2021, 07:16:51 pm »
Mom would like to know a little more detail about "beat it to hell".  :cheesy:  Seriously though, is that beat it to hell with a whisk?  With a mixer?  What does it look like when you have mixed it enough?

My great grandmother used a whisk.  I use an electric mixer.  I beat it until it is foamy and let the foam settle, then beat it again for good measure.   :cheesy:  The cinnamon and whatever else you put in it will separate a bit and come to the top when it cooks but that's OK. 

I put the temp above at 300, but it takes a long time to cook at that temp.  You can do it at 325 but you'll have a bit tougher "skin" on it that way.  Just don't over-cook it. 

The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2021, 07:22:07 pm »
That?s a good custard @ Kathy.

glad you like it.  I am looking at everyones food pics and thinking I need to up my cooking game a bit!
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2021, 10:46:55 am »
My great grandmother used a whisk.  I use an electric mixer.  I beat it until it is foamy and let the foam settle, then beat it again for good measure.   :cheesy:  The cinnamon and whatever else you put in it will separate a bit and come to the top when it cooks but that's OK. 

I put the temp above at 300, but it takes a long time to cook at that temp.  You can do it at 325 but you'll have a bit tougher "skin" on it that way.  Just don't over-cook it. 
Great, thanks for the clarification.  Do you guys just eat it plain?  My mom was thinking about making like a raspberry sauce for it or something.  Like I said, she was never much for this sort of thing, so she's not really sure how to serve it.     

That?s a good custard @ Kathy.

glad you like it.  I am looking at everyones food pics and thinking I need to up my cooking game a bit!
My mom has been saying the same thing!  She said, "I make way more impressive food in the winter when I have more time to cook."  :grin:

Last night it was homegrown zucchini patties, and leftover smoked pork and baked beans. 

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #56 on: July 06, 2021, 11:10:02 am »
Do you guys just eat it plain?

we just eat it plain.  Hubby usually has it as an evening snack...when he's not into the icecream  :grin:
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #57 on: July 07, 2021, 09:14:23 am »
It?s very different than what my wife makes.
Kathy has 12 eggs and a little sugar.
Our recipe has 4 eggs, a little flour and one and 3/4 cups sugar.

Kathys was good. Very different.

I eat chilies poblanos at every Mexican restaurants can find them at. None compare to mine, but that?s beside the point. They are wildly different between restaurants.

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Re: What?s Cookin?
« Reply #58 on: July 07, 2021, 08:36:00 pm »
One of my mom's specialties tonight: eggs benedict and potatoes.
It probably would have looked nicer if I had plated it together, but this is a meal where Mom has to make everyone's entrees in succession, and I didn't want my potatoes to be cold since I wasn't anywhere near first today. 

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What?s Cookin?
« Reply #59 on: July 11, 2021, 01:17:53 am »
My wife made, quite possibly, the best banana pudding I?ve ever had. I mean of all the church fellowship hall, 4th of July, birthday cookouts, best I?ve ever had banana pudding. I threw some blueberries on my midnight, well, 12:15am snack.

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« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 03:13:02 pm by .30WCF »