JP, interesting comment that you made about a magical place. That is the ravine. It is. It borders the first part of our property, it is a fair ways down to the bottom of it. The kids have made trails through the bush down there. The underbrush is not very dense, but there are trails made nonetheless. Particularly through the enormous (and I mean enormous) patch of Vinca Major that grows along one of the edges of the bank. This ravine holds a magic for the children. I have made posts before speaking of this magical place (and I think I may have posted a picture, not sure though). It is like going somewhere else in time, it holds a deep mystique. It is a beautiful and quiet place. During the hot days of summer, if one goes down to the ravine it is cool down there, the sun does not shine very hard down there, and it is beautiful. It has a beautiful little creek that flows, the kids play and make darns, diverting the stream and they have made some cool little islands. The skunk cabbage abounds down there, and I am pretty sure that my girls head down their for early spring pollen too, they appreciate this ravine as well.
I wish that I could take you there, I can only do it in your mind's eye. It has been raining for the past two days now, but when the rain stops, I am going to try to get some pictures of this magical place. I will take my camera and take shots as I walk down into the ravine, I will try to depict how this area looks from above and within. It is like a place where time has stood still and it is beautiful. The most beautiful time to take some shots of course would be when the sun glimmers it rays down there. I know it does slightly in the spring and summer, but I don't know about the deep dark days of winter.
This sharing of this beautiful, deep, dark ravine will be on my agenda. I know that you will appreciate it, then you will know what I am talking about when I speak of this deep, dark ravine. Have a beautiful and greatest of days, greatest of health too. Cindi