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« Last post by The15thMember on February 09, 2025, 03:48:37 pm »
My girls are all bringing in full pollen pants today.  I can only assume it's the maples blooming early, because this seems like way too much pollen for them to just have found someone else's feeder.  We don't have any maples on our property, but my mom and sister are going out tomorrow, so I'll have them scout the situation out for me. 
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by Terri Yaki on February 09, 2025, 03:01:27 pm »
There once was a Hardee's in town but get this...they said that there wasn't enough room for a drive-through and they couldn't survive without it. McDonald's tore their building down and built one with a drive-through and it's been there 30 years or more.
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by Ben Framed on February 09, 2025, 02:00:58 pm »
I read that and immediately thought of the woman on TV that made the statement to a reporter, ?why do you have to kill when you can buy your meat at Publix?. She was dead serious thinking Publix makes meat. Problem is that millions of city folks think the same thing. I have seen 5 year old country kids at the butcher building watching the whole process from beginning to the end.
Jim Altmiller

Good point Jim.
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by Ben Framed on February 09, 2025, 01:59:15 pm »

At the time of my posting I suggestion was pending of 'if Terri was serious'
And that's what this is all about, since there isn't a 'sarcastic' e mo g on the internet.   :rolleyes:

As you kindly and clearly pointed out several post back.
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by BeeMaster2 on February 09, 2025, 01:57:28 pm »
I read that and immediately thought of the woman on TV that made the statement to a reporter, ?why do you have to kill when you can buy your meat at Publix?. She was dead serious thinking Publix makes meat. Problem is that millions of city folks think the same thing. I have seen 5 year old country kids at the butcher building watching the whole process from beginning to the end.
Jim Altmiller
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by Terri Yaki on February 09, 2025, 01:55:24 pm »

At the time of my posting I suggestion was pending of 'if Terri was serious'
And that's what this is all about, since there isn't a 'sarcastic' e mo g on the internet.   :rolleyes:
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by Ben Framed on February 09, 2025, 01:49:27 pm »
I don't understand you folks who think you have to kill stuff. You should just get your meat at the grocery store like I do.. :rolleyes:

Hum sounds like a question and suggestive expectation that could easily lead to politics, which is against the rues under the "Almost Beekeeping" section.. 'If you are serious' it might be a good question and topic to start in The Coffeehouse, Constitution, or Second Amendment section.  :rolleyes:
I don't feel like clean eating is a political topic.  It's something that many people are concerned about, regardless of their political views.  I mean, policy debates could get political, but concern about the health and ethics of our food systems is something that stretches across the aisle in my experience. 

Clean eating is not a political topic or subject nor did I suggest it was.. 
However, "I don't understand why you folks feel the need to kill stuff". Can quickly lead to politics. In fact there are activist political groups who feel the same way as Terries, (questionable at the time of my post), lack of understanding, who seriously agree. Peta is one... and for all we know we have some of these here at Beemaster and welcome.

At the time of my posting my suggestion was pending of 'if Terri was serious' and if so, his sentiment might make a good topic where answers to his lack of understanding could be openly discussed without restriction or fear of breaking rules by discussing politics, as would be the case in this heading...

The Coffeehouse, The Second Amendment, or The Constitution would be a great place for his debatable subject, a neutral place to openly discuss his lack of understanding or his dictate to others, 'to do as he does' all of course depending of 'had he been serious'. 

Of course when asked, he cleared this up when he said he was joking, so the answer is mute and clearly should have been from that point....

Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by iddee on February 09, 2025, 01:20:54 pm »
""I don't understand you folks who think you have to kill stuff. You should just get your meat at the grocery store like I do.. :rolleyes:""

Now take out "like I do and put in "where they make it" and you will see the joke. It came out as a blond joke.
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by The15thMember on February 09, 2025, 01:11:29 pm »
I don't understand you folks who think you have to kill stuff. You should just get your meat at the grocery store like I do.. :rolleyes:

Hum sounds like a question and suggestive expectation that could easily lead to politics, which is against the rues under the "Almost Beekeeping" section.. 'If you are serious' it might be a good question and topic to start in The Coffeehouse, Constitution, or Second Amendment section.  :rolleyes:
I don't feel like clean eating is a political topic.  It's something that many people are concerned about, regardless of their political views.  I mean, policy debates could get political, but concern about the health and ethics of our food systems is something that stretches across the aisle in my experience. 

We don't raise/hunt for all our own meat, but it's something we'd like to work towards.  Commercial meat animals are fed all sorts of questionable substances that ends up in the meat, and a home raised animal or wild animal that is hunted certainly has a far better life than the animals whose meat you buy in the store.  It seems nice and sterile to buy meat in a package and not have to do the "dirty" work, but what you don't realize is that work is far dirtier when you don't do it yourself.     
Cooking / Re: Restaurants
« Last post by Ben Framed on February 09, 2025, 12:23:55 pm »
Maybe so... But not the funniest joke that I have heard recently.  :rolleyes: Now the posting of the AK Packing Monkey was a winner!
After seeing that, all other jokes are bland.

I suppose it was the visual that did the trick... Sometimes actions speak louder than words..  :grin:
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