« Last post by Michael Bush on February 13, 2025, 09:29:18 am »
Copper solders well to copper. Ok to brass. Not so well to iron. If it was a gas pipe, it must have been iron? Copper to copper the issues are: Clean and shiny, good flux (LA-CO), completely dry (it will never solder if there is water in the pipe). If you're tying odd things to odd things sometimes a tight fitting rubber hose and some hose clamps works as well as anything. Heat the place you want the solder to flow to, not the solder.
« Last post by Ben Framed on February 12, 2025, 09:37:10 pm »
All true... The Captain of German u-20 was merciful. He could have easily put more torpedoes in her but retained himself having mercy for the passengers who where scrambling to get off...I watched a virtual tour of the Titanic recently. I had posted one of those here a few years ago but I think the vid has been taken down for some reason by youtube or the owner of it. If I can find the recent one I will post it again.. Kind of neat for me to tag along on what was once a grand ship...Especially since it shoved off in 1912... This ship and its modern conveniences was ahead of its time...
« Last post by animal on February 12, 2025, 09:31:56 pm »
true, but same for most all war losses. The Brits used the passengers as human shields. The Krauts saw the passengers as collateral damage. The passengers were informed of the danger before the trip.