Encouraging an open brood nest in new hive

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OPEN BROOD NEST has been the most FANTASTIC discovery for me.I stumbled across it on Michael Bush's site.I have had nothing but success.My january cut out just took off like a rocket I added boxes keeping plenty of room Yeaterday I opened them up they had drawn the strips down real good 5 boxes of brood unbelievable.Before I read Michaels site I would of put a queen excluder on aftr the 3rd box they would of swarmed.My other big feral I have had three years
hasn't swarmed useing open brood nest I try to read Michael Bush's site the whole thing at least onece amonth I keep finding poop of knowkedge.

Michael Bush:
>So should I move three frames of honey in the center up and add the starter strip frames and see if she uses the center for brood, then?

You can do that if you like.  This was just a nuc when you started right?  How big is the brood nest?  How many bees?  If you leave space for an empty frame in the brood nest how quickly do the bees festoon and fill it?  If they do this quickly, maybe adding an empty frame to the brood nest would help.  If not, then I'd leave them alone until they get stronger.

>I keep finding poop of knowkedge.

I keep trying to put some in there... it changes all the time.


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