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Author Topic: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?  (Read 29637 times)

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How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« on: November 15, 2009, 11:35:35 pm »
How do Flying Sausers deal with such G-Force?

I'm a Nascar fan, I've seen some incidents where Nascar Drivers (perfect example) Jeff Gordon hit the wall somewhere, recorded 400+ Gs - a number that is incomprehencible. Yes, I know what a G is and in theory, he should have turned to jelly on the inside, more likely just exploded in his suit, but he pulled down the window screen and got out, walked to the ambulance!

But UFOs are interesting. The ones that we see make impossible turns, or complete stops and shoot off in the direction they came from at speeds we know are not of conventional aircraft.

I thought (somewhat loving the thought of) a CONSCIOUS BEING travelling in a GEL LIKE CONTAINER, a poor but adaquate substitute for the human or alien body. a society advanced enough to move about freely from a life force of even the simplest of markers which we concidar something "Living" or not.

Image too if the only way said creatures can travel such long times and vast differences is to give up their original bodies, move into a ooze or something that technically can live many many life times. But the downfall, you can only leave your ship if you can find another "compatable" body to live in. Although you are comfortable with your ship since times is really not a factor you your conscious, it is eternal after all... It does enjoy finding a human to visit in their dreams or as Barny and Betty Hill spoke so well when hypnotized concerning being taken from their car on a very desolate road for four hours. They had no waking recollection of any of the events, and literally were played their voices to them to prove they said it.

But, as much as I'd like aliens to be pure conscious, something in my mind tells me that IF THE WERE all consciousness, that TRAVEL for them would be instantanious for them: but I ponder, can you really travel consciously faster than the speed of light? I strongly believe so, thus if you can direct your conscious, it must be to somewhere - I don't believe it can leave without a understanding of where it is to go - thus, if you need to travel many light-years (wether in ooze or manipulating time) I believe you need to find us before you can travel at wha I like to call "THOUGHT SPEED" it is its own demention, which is NOT in EM2 - the forumla would be greatly altered to include Thought Speed.

Of course, once we had a visitor, maybe Thought Speed still doesn't work except at the SPEED at which the original travel took, and if that were the case, it wouldn't matter a whole lot if thought speed existed if it couldn't be manipulated into speeding travel.

Just wait and see, I know that some day, many thousand of years from now - but one day regular women will give birth to what will be the next AGE OF MAN. I don't believe another version of man will be born (without us knowing) and they somehow over power us to be the greatest species living on the planet. Sure along time ago, two early human tribes might have lived on the Earth and happened to either kill the other or someone died of other causes.

But today (and I swear it is puberty) that will trigger a change in our children that (like a pupa into a butterfly) by the end of puberty these children will be MILLION and MILLIONS in number and Who knows what kind of power they may have to defeat us - if indeed that is their plan.
Living in harmony with a new species of yourself is unlikely, but if it is a normal progression of the many endless ages of man to be replaced by a better species better suited for this planet- Global Warming could be such a physically necessary change in our design.
But back to the title of the post: I can't imagine the G-Force endured at doing mach 10+ and pulling a tight U-Turn or stop, but surely if it isn't the passenger, than it is the craft.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 08:53:53 pm by beemaster »
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Re: How do Flying Sausers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2009, 11:37:04 pm »
zero point
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Re: How do Flying Sausers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2009, 12:41:42 am »
Just a thought but if its gravity propulsion, could that not also controll the enviroment inside the space craft to the point that the occupants specific gravity is controlled and maintained to a designated degree regardless of the crafts speed, trajectory or relationship to solid objects?  Not like that hypothisis?  Just ask I will make up another. :-D
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Offline ayyon2157

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2009, 12:59:13 am »

     My "take " on the situation is that the "UFO" and inhabitants are doing something like what we call "out of body" travel.  During WW2, these "foo fighters" (which the Germans considered an American secret weapon, and which the Americans considered a German secret weapon) were reportedly sprayed with .50 cal bullets from the bomber's guns, the tracers of which were observed passing through the object in question, after which it sped away apparently undamaged.  It is my understanding that numerous photographs were taken with various bomber's gun cameras, but stamped "secret" and not published.

     Now, as to the "speed of thought" my admittedly limited OOB travel has seemed to be faster than sound but slower than the speed of light.

     At the moment, I am not too interested in explaining unconventional viewpoints causing people to believe me crazy.


William H. Michaels

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2009, 02:04:45 pm »

You obviously haven't read most of my DARKSIDE stuff - I dont mind going out on the limb and stating stuff that others think whacked. And an admin should have some degree of NOT being too far out. But there is so much that we can't explain, so what is wrong with using what you have expierienced to come to logical (as possible) reasoning for things out-side of general thinking?

Please read my Out of BODY (OBE LINK) at www.beemaster.com - long and detailed scientific reasoning for OBE - at least ways to trigger OBE which I feel is extremely normal, like blinking, breathing, etc..

I have had less than a dozen OBEs the first memory I had a visual memory of being as low as a cat looking around an old basement, dirt floor, very vivid colors, no real reason why and a latter one I was again low toward the floor looking at my oldest cat laying on the floor - she definitely didn't see me, which stunk - I thought a cat could see alternate plains like that.

But I have had flights, traveling through solid objects and zipping around the sky like superman, controlling much of the flight. I experienced all the primmers, whooshing sounds, voices, vibration, separation which almost feels painful as your conscious body frees itself from the physical - then sleep paralysis as I awoke - for nearly a minute most the time.

It happens and more people experience such things than generally admit it. Being a natural occurance, I don't feel strange about sharing it. Please read the OBE and see if you agree with it, or experience simular events.

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2009, 07:48:18 pm »

     I believe I am familiar with most or all of your "darkside" postings, and have read your "out of body" post, department, or whatever. I find nothing contrary to my experience other than possibly that "thought speed" is faster than "light speed".  In my observations, it doesn't seem to be.  (now, I am talking about the speed of TRAVEL, not the time between thinking of something and it's coming to fruition )  I no longer actively try very hard to achieve the "out of body" state, as the possibilities frighten me.

     Forty or so years ago when I was studying witchcraft, I was lying on my bed concentrating on my boss's sore toe, trying to make it better and sort of dropped off to sleep. I felt and saw my body tumbling through the night sky ending up at his house,where he appeared to be doing his laundry in a sort of breezeway between his house and garage.  I could see him clearly, but he couldn't see me.  This was my first such experience, and I was delighted.  My first thought was "I wonder if I can pass through the wall,"  and I found myself circling out one wall and back in through another The second was of an involuntary nature, as I didn't want to set his house on fire but wondered if it was in my powers to do so in that condition.  I had no more than thought the question, than I was engulfed in flames.  I returned to consiousness screaming "put it out! "put it out"!

     When my heart stopped racing and my breathing became normal, I gradually convinced myself that it was nothing more than a bad dream. Next night at work I noticed my boss absent, and inquired as to why.  It seems that he had experienced a completely unexplained fire in the part of his house where I had seen it, and at the exact time.

     In fairly recent years, I achieved the ability, at least ocassionally, to control my dreams; to fly etc. There was a hill from which I could "fly" to some buildings almost indiscernible in the distance.  I did so and peered into the windows, but was disappointed to find that I was CREATING the contents!  No fun in that, so I stopped.

     There seems no way to benefit from such "supernatural" factors, and they may be troublesome, so why bother?

William H. Michaels

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2009, 08:04:32 pm »
On this subject I will have to agree with ayyon2157 in this context:
I find nothing contrary to my experience other than possibly that "thought speed" is faster than "light speed". 

In the Out of Body, or spiritual, existance though spend is instantainious whereas light speed is immensily slower.  Whether the point of travel is 1, 100, 1000 miles are to the next planet or star the mere thought of wanting to be someplace can put us there. 

The report about the fire is indictative of the power man, as spiritual beings, over the elements of the universe.  It is a power that physical man is either unaware of or refuses to acknowledge, at least to the extent of being able to influence things and events.

It is this power that "primative" shaman envoked to give or receive spiritual guidence in the matters of healing, propehtic pronouncements, pending catastophies, etc.
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Offline wayne

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 08:37:20 pm »
  Ever see the antics of a kids RC toy truck or car. They are clearly, more or less, under intelligent control yet make movements no person could survive.
  As most UFO's that make the sudden changes are seen as just lights or small objects it would be plausible that they are remote controled as well.
  On the subject, does anyone know of a forum where UFO's and the like are discussed without alot of ridicule? 
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Offline ayyon2157

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 12:48:42 pm »
     Good point Wayne about the remote control.  It could well be a creature with weight and mass playing with a joystick (like our Mars rovers) or more likely in my opinion an intelligent creature having an"out of body " experience.  When "out of body" I haven't seemed to have weight and things seemed (except for returning to my body) to occur instantly. (When stationed in France, I often had OOB experiences where I was back in Indiana.  Just enough awareness remained in my body to alert me if I needed to return.  If someone tried to wake me up it felt like a long elastic string connected "me" with the rest of my body, and that it pulled and guided me back.  This seemed to take two or three seconds, after which a minor jolt occurred and I was back "whole" )

As to a website, while not specifically an ufo site, try  "REALITY TEST".  Nice people (with the possible exception of myself who has been called a cynic) If you join, be particularly considerate of persons of delicate mental balance.


William H. Michaels

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 02:44:17 pm »

Sounds like you agree mostly that thought speed is a real thing, is it instantaneous or has an actual speed that may be measured someday is questionable.

I think chemical intervention is the best way to provoke OBE, although we likely don't have a perfect concoction that does exactly what you want to do (and that is put the person in the OBE state) then it is a matter of the person learning to master the OBE control.

But if you can get into a OBE State nearly at will (medicated or natural) then you get lots of practice to master the art form of traveling both where and when you want.

It is interesting to me to see if travel can travel into the future and it remains the same future, not one that changes as it would in a dream. I'm sure that time works in all directions,, forward, back and parallel existences.

Most importantly, it is instantaneous (or near so) travel anywhere and I assume that it will answer a lot of scientific and spiritual questions - the problem will be skeptics will never buy it - even of you could project it so others can witness is, more people than not would still debunk it as images created by a drugged brain and check it off as fantasy at best.

Of course, both the US and Russians have spent hundreds of millions during and I'm sure since the Cold War to master it - but we don't overly have a detailed account except by people like Major Ed Dames who was called Patient ONE in the US OBE Experiments to try and infiltrate Russian war room meetings, find missile bases and such.

I think we need an evolutionary change (as mentioned: the next age of man posts of mine) I think MAN will adapt the ability eventually, it seems like a natural progression in our growth. But I still think exploring deep space with unmanned craft and continued radio broadcast and receptions, even though I don't understand why we think other civilizations use radios to communicate - we sooooo need to get "out of the box" with our thinking.
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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 04:50:49 pm »
 I'm not sure time travel to the future will ever be possible. If one believes in pre-destination maybe, but if you believe in the butterfly effect then the future is shaped moment by moment by the miriad decisions made by the people of the planet.
  Until a decision is made many paths branch from each tiny decision we may make and the future can change based on each path.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 04:58:42 pm »
Not to revert back to conventional thinking but.......

doesn't the brain work by electrical pulses sent through neurons?  Electricity moves at or near the speed of light and you could deduce that thought moves at the speed of light.  From other threads it is pretty unanimous that the speed of light is not fast enough for galactic travel.

As for G forces in a flying saucer I would have to hypothesis that when bending light and space matter does not maintain the same properties.  So I would suggest that the inhabitants and the vehicle would convert to a more of a plasma state and hence g-force may not be applicable.

Some of you guys are kind of rough on the ole Beemaster.  Yea he's a weird dude with some wild thoughts and experiences but that is why we like him.  Who among us can throw the first stone?

On another note.  Did anyone see my post on Obama announcing that we have made contact with aliens after the first of the year?  I didn't know if I should post it in this section or the coffee house.

Former beekeeper until March....maybe next year...RIP

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 06:01:56 pm »
  Reports like this have come out several times in the past. Very often close to the premier of a new Sci-Fi movie on ETs.  In almost every case so far the disclosure hinges on "Nothing going wrong".  Then the source claims that something DID go wrong and that all bets are off.
  On the same note I saw a report this week that John Kennedy was killed by the military because he wanted to disclose the secret UFO files from Blue Book and Roswell to the public.
  Think about it. The same people who lost the secret to the A-Bomb, who can't keep spys out of ANY agency, can't keep teen aged kids out of the government computers, can't account for zillions of dollars, who have lost about half the moon rocks they brought back, and who couldn't even get rid of a blue dress, are supposed to keep a secret like this for decades. Really?
  Sorry I don't buy it.
  The way I see it there are 3 possibilities about old ET. One he is benivolent and only wants to help us. Sorry, but if that was true they wouldn't waste time talking to hippies in the desert, they would hang over a city and get our attention. And I've heard that "we only want to help" line from my OWN people and I don't trust them either.
  Second they are hostile in which case they would just squash us and get on with it.
  And third, which I believe, they don't give a darn about us one way or another. If they come here at all it's like a tour plane buzzing a native village in the bush to see the natives in their quaint huts.
  Nope, I don't think they have anything really surprising to disclose.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2009, 07:54:14 pm »

Sounds like you agree mostly that thought speed is a real thing, is it instantaneous or has an actual speed that may be measured someday is questionable.

How fast is a thought?  If you can go from here to Neptune between the moment you begin to think of wanting to be there and finished thinking the thought how fast is that?
If you are into OOBT you should be very aware of thought travel.  I can do it when I want to, and yes I've been off world, but prolonged trips are exhausting (tiime/distance) and there is really enough here on earth to keep a person occupied.  Most of my OOBE has been in relation to my function as a Keylally.

I think chemical intervention is the best way to provoke OBE, although we likely don't have a perfect concoction that does exactly what you want to do (and that is put the person in the OBE state) then it is a matter of the person learning to master the OBE control.

But if you can get into a OBE State nearly at will (medicated or natural) then you get lots of practice to master the art form of traveling both where and when you want.

Chemical intervention or dependence to achieve anything is a good way to loose your soul.  If you can't achieve OOBE without chemical stimulous you shouldn't be doing it at all, the chemicals can cloud your mind enough to allow bad things to happen.

It is interesting to me to see if travel can travel into the future and it remains the same future, not one that changes as it would in a dream. I'm sure that time works in all directions,, forward, back and parallel existences.

Prognostication requires the ability to travel to the future to some extent.  The visions I recieved about the volcano eruptions were such.  In it I was poitioned as if I were on the International Space Station, looking down upon the upper Pacific Ocean.  I then saw 3 valcanos erupt in a sequence of one near Anchorage, 1 further out on the alutions and the 3rd on a island in russian territory. I saw several other catastrophies occuring that would affect the western United States over the next several years, I just wasn't given exact dates.  Exact dates were an exactitude that even escaped John the Revelator, Nostradomus, and the Mayans, to name a few.
Travels to the future also involve Deja Vu, where the reliving of a moment in time occurs, sometimes as dreamt and sometimes differt which is that something caused you to either accept or change your mind about what should be done about the subjected concerned.  It is in this way that we change the probable future. The future can be changed by mere individual actions and a single individual can make a huge difference in world events, if they so chose,  History is the result of man's ommission or commission to act.

There is so much of the universe that is interwoven, that man has little concept of.  Man, in his spiritual state has the power of gods, in his physical state he too often declares ignorance of god.  OOBE is only a part is as is prognostication, healing, and the list includes every thing you can think off.  Here's a thought for you, in this last dispensation of mortal man on earth beings are being sent to earth with knowledge from the Omnipitant Library of Knowledge (the place the gods store their knowledge) in order to advance civilzation to the point of self-distruction, aka the World Appocolypse, on a timeline decreed by the crator of our physical world.

Most importantly, it is instantaneous (or near so) travel anywhere and I assume that it will answer a lot of scientific and spiritual questions - the problem will be skeptics will never buy it - even of you could project it so others can witness is, more people than not would still debunk it as images created by a drugged brain and check it off as fantasy at best.

Of course, both the US and Russians have spent hundreds of millions during and I'm sure since the Cold War to master it - but we don't overly have a detailed account except by people like Major Ed Dames who was called Patient ONE in the US OBE Experiments to try and infiltrate Russian war room meetings, find missile bases and such.

I think we need an evolutionary change (as mentioned: the next age of man posts of mine) I think MAN will adapt the ability eventually, it seems like a natural progression in our growth. But I still think exploring deep space with unmanned craft and continued radio broadcast and receptions, even though I don't understand why we think other civilizations use radios to communicate - we sooooo need to get "out of the box" with our thinking.

The only evolutionary progression left for mankind to achieve is immortality, the ability to have a physical body that can do as much and more than our spirtual body.  All these other 6th senses we already posses, we just either refuse to admit the existance, or refuse to practice them.  This is, of course, a natural limitation of our phsical being.  We need to relearn things we knew and accepted prior to becoming mortal.
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Offline ayyon2157

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2009, 12:48:55 pm »
Hello Brian:

     What is a "Keylally"??

     Yes, I misspoke in appearing to confuse "thought speed" with the speed at which I have felt my consciousness travel during  an OOB experience. I have no quarrel with your thought that thought speed is for all practical purposes instantaneous.

     As to the speed "between sound and light" at which I believe my body travels when going and coming from an OOB destination, there is a third speed (which may be it) of vibration traveling through a solid object.  Britons in WW2 noticed that when a bomb or shell was exploded across the Channel, first the flash was observed, then a jolt was felt, then the sound was heard. ( I suppose the speed might vary with the material involved)

William H. Michaels

Offline Brian D. Bray

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2009, 08:09:51 pm »
Hello Brian:

     What is a "Keylally"??

     Yes, I misspoke in appearing to confuse "thought speed" with the speed at which I have felt my consciousness travel during  an OOB experience. I have no quarrel with your thought that thought speed is for all practical purposes instantaneous.

     As to the speed "between sound and light" at which I believe my body travels when going and coming from an OOB destination, there is a third speed (which may be it) of vibration traveling through a solid object.  Britons in WW2 noticed that when a bomb or shell was exploded across the Channel, first the flash was observed, then a jolt was felt, then the sound was heard. ( I suppose the speed might vary with the material involved)


A Keylally is the word the Chinook and Salish Indians usedin their trade language for their "Medicine Man."  Key (aka kee) means new, whereas Lally means a long time ago or the new and the old.  The medicine men were also the tribal historians, keepers of the oral history of the tribe, as well as the spiritual leader and healers.  Chinook Jargon, as the whiteman came to call the trade language Chinnok Jargon.  It is interesting to note that At the same time Lewis and Clark where encamped at the mouth of the Columbian (Oregon) river, a sailor named John Robert Jewett was being help as a captive slave by the Nootka Indians of northern Vancouver Island.  The indians used Chinnok Jargon when conversing with anyone outside of their own tribe, therefore it was with some wonder that John Robert Jewett found that he could converse in the "Indian" language with the members of the Lewis & Clark expidition that he came into contact with upon aboth parties return to "civilization.

You are right to note vibration or concussion as different from both the speed of thought and speed of light.  The speed of vibration depends upon the substance the vibration is travelling through, in water it is called sonar, in a gas (air) it is called the speed of sound, through rock it is called tremblor (or inductive).
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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2009, 03:35:54 am »
Okay there are many ways to explain the G-forces.  One is that alien anatomy is very different from our own an alien pilot could be more suited for flying then us earth dwellers.  Another is that there is no pilot at all but an unmaned probe of some sort.  I like to use the idea though that they can fold space like a piece of paper to travel from point to point seems like your going fast but your really not.  Another idea is that if there are multiple dimentions we could be seeing another world identical to ours but more advanced through some rip between the worlds movements may be distorted by this rip and make the appearance that the craft is moving faster. 
Take me to the land of milk and honey!!!

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2009, 12:13:46 pm »
I like to use the idea though that they can fold space like a piece of paper to travel from point to point seems like your going fast but your really not.

Exactly my thoughts.  The craft is actually stationary and space is being manipulated around the craft. 
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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2009, 09:24:34 pm »
BeeMaster sez -
"Just wait and see, I know that some day, many thousand of years from now - but one day regular women will give birth to what will be the next AGE OF MAN. I don't believe another version of man will be born (without us knowing) and they somehow over power us to be the greatest species living on the planet. Sure along time ago, two early human tribes might have lived on the Earth and happened to either kill the other or someone died of other causes."

I don't think we will have to wait that long to find out.  When we start sending people to live permanently off planet - space stations, moon, mars, wherever - we will send our best, brightest, healthiest, fittest in every way specimens.  After a few generations their descendants will probably see  "Earthers" as barely human - or at least as slow, backwards, diseased, and smelly. 

That is, if the LHC doesn't destroy the earth when they fire it up again tomorrow night.
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Offline jayj200

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2014, 01:55:16 pm »
Now we know why their 3 feet tall

Offline dusanmal

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2014, 01:41:10 am »
Metaphysics is fine, but as a real Physicist I can offer you a theoretical answer that even NASA considers viable, be it beyond our technological abilities. It is called Alcubierre Warp Drive, see short description at NASA site


Simplified, if we can somehow create matter with certain unusual properties we can make a space-time bubble around our spaceship, which gives two benefits. First, we could exceed speed of light as seen from outside, because our physical matter ship would experience only an immovable inside of such bubble while bubble itself could propagate as space itself with no limits. Second, as we'd be in that immovable inside, no acceleration of the bubble itself would be felt by us. We could accelerate very fast to faster than light speed, travel ... and, voila, turn, stop, restart... at any bubble speed and acceleration while not feeling any effects inside.
So, you see, aliens in UFOs who would have such faster than light tech to reach us here, could by the same token zip, zig and zag at will ...

Offline Richard M

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2015, 10:53:58 pm »
How do Flying Sausers deal with such G-Force?

Simple answer : They don't.

Offline divemaster1963

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2015, 10:36:54 pm »
Personally I think that with the propulsion system they would use the are producing a field around the craft that wouldblock outside forces. This would off set any outside gravity that is present.

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2015, 04:45:06 pm »
This is really a huge question when it comes to space travel and light speed. Another concern is the rapid loss of bone density that occurs to all of our astronauts that have spent long periods of time weightless.

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2015, 09:01:29 am »
>This is really a huge question when it comes to space travel and light speed. Another concern is the rapid loss of bone density that occurs to all of our astronauts that have spent long periods of time weightless.

Well, if you maintain at least one G of forward acceleration for the whole trip the bone loss should be minimal...
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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2015, 02:17:24 pm »
So, basically keep moving! :smile:

Offline Michael Bush

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2015, 05:36:45 pm »
>So, basically keep moving!

One step up from that.  Keep accelerating...
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Offline Richard M

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2015, 08:45:07 pm »
"The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must" by Robert Zubrin actually describes a really simple way of providing gravity to whatever strength you desire.

Paraphrasing somewhat, you have a habitat/capsule/call itwhatyouwill atop the third or fourth transmars injection stage of what is essentially an upgunned Saturn 5 type rocket.

The rocket burns to push the spacecraft into a Mars trajectory (or wherever it is you're going)

Once the burn is complete and whole ensemble is on the 6-month coast to Mars, instead of completely jettisoning the stage, it is winched out on a tether as the spacecraft does a small burn to push itself away.

Once the end of the tether is reached or the desired length has been paid out, small thruster rockets are fired on both the spacecraft and the stage, so that they spin about the common axis/centre of gravity. This will impart a G-force/centrifugal force on both the the spacecraft and the stage, the magnitude of which will depend on the radius and speed of rotation, which will depend on the relative mass of the two units.

The stage could still have fuel in it to use at Mars, in which case you could simply winch the two units back together and use thrusters to stop the spin, or if not, simply cut the tether when the spacecraft is correctly positioned with respect to its trajectory.

You can vary the speed of rotation or length of tether to vary the gravity, so pretty simple task to gradually boot it back up from Mars (0.38G) to Earth (1G) on the return trip. That way, everyone hopefully returns with the same bone mass as they set out with.

The thing I like about this solution is that it's simple, elegant and cheap - doesn't require anyone to reinvent the wheel, (because basically, it is a wheel).

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2015, 08:52:00 pm »
>This is really a huge question when it comes to space travel and light speed. Another concern is the rapid loss of bone density that occurs to all of our astronauts that have spent long periods of time weightless.

Well, if you maintain at least one G of forward acceleration for the whole trip the bone loss should be minimal...

1G acceleration will get you to 99% of the speed of light in 2 or 3 years. Interesting. You'd need a pretty big petrol tank though.

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2015, 05:32:05 pm »
It's going to take an as yet undeveloped energy source to accomplish this.

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Re: How do Flying Saucers deal with such G-Force?
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2015, 07:46:25 pm »
In order to stop at the other end, you will need the same amount of fuel to decelerate.
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