Just my two cents, the Roman catholic church has their own set of rules, rituals, that are man made, to benefit the catholic church. Heck, they even have their own version of the bible. To me, too much greed (money and power) and man made rituals (sit down, stand up, kneel, ok) is the recipe for a religion. God does not like religion. My God as Abe says is love, now and always. I definitely think Jesus was a modern thinker, He was practical and His message was always an unselfish one, He put others first, walked the walk and talked the talk. Regardless of what denomination someone claims to be, Jesus would be a good model to follow if you want favor with people and God. We should be judged by our walk not our associations to any particular sect. I don't care what you profess to be, show me by your actions that you care and love those like you would have them love you and we are both walking down the same path, and we are truly brothers and sisters. I am non-denominational, because I am with and for all. God is the God of all, there are no peoples more important or less important in God's eye, if they walk in love. Jesus's message in a nutshell was that love is the way, nuff said.