Brendhan said,>>>> "It is alot more than skull and bones"<<<<<.
I agree, it is also about grant money, defending atheism, higher criticism and pride. DNA evidence shows that it is not possible for man and ape to be related, regardless of how similar they may look (and act) in some aspects. That 3% difference in DNA may as well be 90%. When speaking of DNA, a miss is as good a mile.
>>>>"Theories are based on facts"<<<<<
To some degree. But in the case of evolution, it is more about being based on a biased interpretation of facts (and trumped up facts, like doctored skeletons and false carbon dating results), and not on the facts themselves. I showed an illustration of this a couple of pages back where a person walks into a room filled with toys and cartoon posters. Some may believe this proves it is a child's room. BUt in reality, it was my boss's wife's office at a shop I worked at several years ago. However, Bible prophecy proves as much as anything that there is a God and that this God interacts with people. Judeo/Christianity is the only belief system wherein prophecy comes true. Yes, it takes faith, because it is written that "without faith, man cannot please God". God has asked for faith as symbol of our love for Him. And without faith that there is a loving and personal God, why would anyone seek to please Him?
Brendhan, just because people are "debating" when ape and man split, and accept macro-evolution o as factdoes not prove that ape and man ever split or were related. It is a theory based on many other theories, and genetics disproves all of it.
KathyP wrote:
<<<<<The BIble is two stories, one about the Jews and the other about salvation through Christ.<<<<
I respectfully disagree. The Bible from beginning to end is about God's will for and relationship to His creatures, including Jews, Hinus, Muslims and Christians and the plan of salvation for all people. I believe true Christianity is simply the BIble understood correctly.Remember, that much of the book of Genesis took place many years prior to the existence of the Jews. Abraham was not a Jew and neither was Noah, Adam, Enoch or anyone prior to Jacob. The ministry of Jesus was illustrated to the Jews in the sanctuary service and in the many types of the Old Testament. Some Jews got it, even back then, but most did not.
You made some awesome comments about how the Roman Church and many Christians who claim to believe the Bible do in fact hold beliefs that are counter to the Bible. I say "Amen" to that. The Trinity, Sunday worship, infant baptism, purgatory are all extra-biblical doctrines invented by Rome and held by many Protestants. Rome did indeed claim to formulate these doctrines on her own authority and not on the Bible. The question is, "Does the church of Rome have authority to write doctrine on its authority? If so, then the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition were "righteous and good".