That is exactly why the "age of the earth" keeps getting older and older. For the evolutionists, unaccountable and unprovable time is their only ally, except maybe a liberal interpretation of the "fossil record". The more complicated we find the simplest systems to be (remember when Darwin spoke of "simple cells"? Well, we now know a "simple cell" is as complicated as an F18 fighter jet) the more time must be added to the evolutionary equasion. As the odds of evolution by chance at the genolevel become more and more astronomically improbable, the only answer is to add more and more millions of years to give it a chance. Let's look at it this way. For a healthy cell to mutate into another healthier cell at the genetic level by chance, the odds are about the same as throwing a pile of lumber into the air and having it land in the form of a house, complete with stairs and kitchen cabinets.
If someone wants to believe this I am fine with it. But to me it would take far more faith than believing in a creator who designed it and put it into motion. That is, many people regard macro-evolution as a religion, not a science. True science can be replicated under controlled conditions. That is the definition of science. Macro-evolution (of the Darwinistic variety) cannot be and has never been replicated at all by anyone in any setting. Therefore it is in a permanent state of theorum. On the other hand, the strata levels as seen through out the world can indeed be replicated under controlled conditions in a lab by means of a simulated cataclysmic event; a flood. It was replicated on a larger level by the Mount Saint Helens eruption and consequent erosion, and trees found standing up right through several layers of newly formed "strata".
Anyone interested in learning more about this can PM me their address and I'll send a series of DVDs that cover everything from the age of the earth to the origin of man to the latest in genetics research.