I think you all are forgetting - if we are speaking of NOAH'S FLOOD, it could have been one of many catosprophoc flood out of hundreds of thousands of equally devastating floods thousands of year earlier and many floods for millions of years - LONG AFTER EARLIER CIVILIZATIONS died from a previous flood.
Closest we see are Tsunamis which are so devastating. FACT: Number one DEATH TO HUMANS from "WEATHER EVENTS" is MUDSLIDES - people are trapped alive by caved-in hillsides and mountains and floods, and imagine how many whole civilizations could have dealt with Hurricanes, Tornados, drought and famine. We see a lot of it in the news each night - but it hardly addresses that sad issue of todays hunger in the world. I can only image for a million years, how many others died a similar flooded death? No one knows how many plagues traveled the Earth, maybe a million plagues wiped out a million civilizations.
Equality is important, I think we are doing pretty good today as a species, I hope we are around a long time and still evolving mentally - we do have neat toys today - weither you are a couch potato or a soldier, you have some neat weapons when you enter war. Of course the virtual soldier (couch potato) can stuff his face with food and gun down a dozen men, I doubt the solider has that luxury.
So I think I hear you have a 1in72 chance of dying in a mudslide or flood waters event. That is pretty amazing, you cannot compare that to the great records of AIR passenger safety.
I think man will kill himself off some day in the distant future, unless as promided Jesus returns to separate us all out VERY quickly. Like a stepthen King book - Bam!, you are gone. Scary choices if you are not living a good life - I just do my best, have faith and always look at things on the sunnier side. The Americans here are vast for affluent to poverty incomes, all ages and demographics - we are a melting pot of the real poor, misfortunate, comfortable, luxurious and wealth.
We have members handicapped and handicapable, people doing amazing things without help from others - hurting in every muscle the next day, but 60 pounds richer in honey for doing it :)
We really are lucky to get the opinions from talented beekeepers, long time backyard beekeepers, the folks wwho never get more than two hives, and the most important to the future of beekeeping, the new beekeeper or member JUST learning about this fascinating and challenging hobby.
Lots of new members in 6 months, many have migrated to our VOICE CHAT ventrilo live voice chatroom - every mid evening Eastern time you can find up to eight people from around the globe talking - two new members in two days too!
Why just TYPE bees (never stop that and keep those photos coming) but also come into voice chat, it is a small program, just over a meg - uses little resources and allows you and your mic to talk live to all our other members.
I'm just waiting for our 8 member limit to reach about 80% full all the time, going to move up to 20 members alowed at once. That is something your kind contributions to Beemaster.com will purchase for the benefit of the dozens of Ventrilo Members, and allowing THAT MUCH MORE ROOM for YOU to join us!!
Sorry for the shameless plug - lol. I got got off in a tangent. My reply in one sentence though, how many civilizations over a million years have seen planetary flood? I imagine early along, you were little more than a tribe, near fresh water and hunting to survive - communal life with structure. And it remained that way often for 5 thousand years, then a world wide flood (even a catostrophic localized flood that killed entire civilizations of villages out, would be worthy of adding - so I believe Earth has seen MANY CATOSTROPHIC FLOODS, with Noah's the most notable (finally one survived out of all the previous flooded civiizations had few remains. There I finally finished - lol. Peace to all.