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Author Topic: We came from where?  (Read 76430 times)

Offline Jerrymac

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We came from where?
« on: July 19, 2007, 04:25:22 pm »
From the coffee house Beemaster writes;
I fully agree that there was a FLOOD that covered the Planet, but I think it happened LONG BEFORE walking creatures inhabited Earth. If we are indeed the Ancestors of Martians and not those of Apes, I'd feel a bit better

I always find it amazing how many say something like that or that the first life was brought in by astroids or comets. But there is never a follow up. WHERE DID THAT LIFE COME FROM?

Were Martians evolved from Martian monkeys? Does it not put us in the same unexplained evolutionary event?   
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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 10:14:39 pm »
I really don't think WHERE Martians come from is the issue, whether created by God or Evolved from lesser species, I'm sure if they were as advance and intellegent as many people assumed (of course we are imagining that a planet which died off a million years ago had intellegent life) but that aside - I'll bet they had their own version of a Bible or other religious book to live by, maybe several.

Again, I think of the Bible as one of man's owners/operators manuals. I equally believe all creatures have two things in common:

1) The search for a LEADER among themselves - everyone needs to fall into a position behind a charismatic leader. All group creatures need a leader in order to function and pack mentality develops.

2) Those social minded creatures (one with conscious thought process) will eventually seeks a creator, they realise that they may need a deity to believe in. To many people it is a nature urge to seek a higher power, to others having a God or Lord to look to takes the pressure of being the real decision makers.

More on this later, just had to say MORE THAN ANYTHING - if God is timeless, then what is a few million years here and there in an extraordinary Universe.
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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 12:10:20 am »
Perhaps I wasn't clear in my quest here. It always seems that just saying, "life on Earth came from somewhere else" settles the whole "where life came from" issue. Perhaps it does for some, but for me I would like to know...... if life "here" came from "there" then where did life "there" come from. Then I would have to wonder if the intelligent life "there" thought it came from somewhere else. If the Earth wasn't the ideal place for life to start and evolve then what planet would be?

What about those of us that are lone wolves? We need no leaders.

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 03:01:53 pm »
It is an interesting question indeed. In the movie Contact, Jody Foster's character zipped through a worm-hole generating to meet a being posed as her father, they were talking about the fact that BLUEPRINTS were sent via radioway, we built the machine (hoping it wasn't some DOOMSDAY WEAPON) the man said "This is the way they choose to communicate, it's the way they like to do it, they have been doing it this way for billions of years.

The interesting thing in THAT STATEMENT is that A MACHINE designed BILLIONS OF YEARS AGO sent a message in hope other-life would receive the message - BUT, they knew it would because the process has worked for billions of years. I think the question should really be "when did" INTELLEGENT HUMANS like life " First appear in the Universe and where and when - I just have come to the conclusion that there is NO ITELLEGENT LIFE somewhere in our ancestory - which part of the Universe it originated from is only a guess.

I finally believe that weither man has been here 200 years or 5 thousand, or EONS, When the fastest you can measure is in LIGHT YEARS, you already have doomed us with finding other life, surely there must be a way though, and who's to say creating a ship 2 million years ago wasn't a possibility. Well most religious folk wouldn't buy a speck of that, but many of the stories of the Bible are told in PArable, so that they appear relative to people no matter WHEN the will read it.

Jerry, would it be so bad if we indeed didn't come from this Earth, I think it would be optomistically the greats ego booster you'd have to build a space program. Now we are going to the Moon with lighter materials that they will FILL with MOON DUST to make them safe to transport HUMANS through the radiation belt between Earth and Mars. We've sent lots of probles, but people would have died from radiation exposure on those missions.

So we build a vessel capable to lift off the moon, fly to Mars - which takes 90 days to get to once there you need to wait 9 more months for the planets to realign so RETURN is possible. Then another 90 days in space. That is rigorous espiration if I've ever heare one - image bbeing away from Earth 270 days minimal, without any help except the wonderful people who bring you Nasa :)

P.S. The reason they will build a double hulled vessel filled with moon dust as a protectant is because we cannot lauch anything (that will safely protect the crew) from Earth a Mars worthy vehicle could be lead protected BUT it would be too heavy to launch into space - remember it is going to a living habatat with humans for 3/4s of a year.

So, after the Shuttle stops, which it is finishing it's SPACE STATION BUILDING PROJECT - people have lived on the International Space Station continious manned for many years. The last Shuttle mission is do corrective work on Hummble, then the Space Shuttle program is complete and remaining Shuttle return modeules - most people call the craft the atronauts return home in IS the Shuttle - it is NOT, it is a PART of the huttle - it is called the ORBITOR, the Shuttle fitted with the External Fuel Tank and solid rocket boosters make up the rest of the Shuttle.

Nope, we can't get to Mars and back in under 9 months - Jerry we'll never see who our real parents are, but I think they'll have to come check-on us, cause WE are not getting to them to soon - lol.
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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 05:12:24 pm »
Jerry, would it be so bad if we indeed didn't come from this Earth,...

No it wouldn't be bad but I have to wonder why some feel the need to believe we came from way out there some where. IF we were sent here from somewhere else I would have to ask,
1) why we were sent.
2) how were we sent.

You were saying all that other stuff would have taken billions of years. Just how old is the universe? I have heard estimates around just 11 to 20 billion years old. And the age of the earth is 4.5 to 5 billion years old. So we could hazard a guess that it would take another world about 4 billion years to reach the capabilities we have right now. How many more years before we/they can even break out of our solar system? How many before we/they could make it to the next solar system? How many before we/they can get clear of our galaxy and journey to the next closest galaxy? And how many years will that journey take? So is 20 billion years even enough time for some other intelligent life from a galaxy far far away to seed the universe?   
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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2007, 08:30:34 pm »
jerrymac, if you need no leader, you may be a leader.  sometimes one has no choice in the matter.  if you choose not to follow, chances are, people will end up following you  :-D

the story of creation is a bit like the story of the flood.  all cultures have a creations story of some kind.  it is only "enlightened" people who try to explain away the easiest expansion.

as for where we came from....if you accept the idea of a creation, then the idea of a biblical creation is as good as any.  the bible has some advantages....even though there are provisions for a hell for those who are bad, we do not need to worry that we are an experiment, or organ farm, for some alien species.   :evil:
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Offline abejaruco

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2007, 06:53:36 am »
Not sure from where, but they were in Europe many time ago.

"The morning of the 27th of July of 2007, in the first weeks of the new
excavation season of the Sierra de Atapuerca, has been crucial for this scientific debate. The Atapuerca research team has just found a human premolar in the TE9 level of the Sima del Elefante site. This tooth represents the oldest human fossil remain of occidental Europe. Now we finally have the anatomical evidence of the hominins that fabricated those tools more than one million years ago."


English version in "enter".

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2007, 07:26:14 am »
oh people...haven't you seen the stargates?


Offline abejaruco

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2007, 04:15:09 pm »
We can see that these people were not antediluvians.
So, they have been hunting in Spain, France, Germany, England and China without flood during 1.300.000 years.

If the Indians from Peru had a legend about the flood too, and the Indians are in America 30.000 years ago, the flood legend was originated when the humans lived together and spoke only one idiom. (Ole, what have I said?  :-D)

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2007, 12:10:59 pm »
I think you all are forgetting - if we are speaking of NOAH'S FLOOD, it could have been one of many catosprophoc flood out of hundreds of thousands of equally devastating floods thousands of year earlier and many floods for millions of years - LONG AFTER EARLIER CIVILIZATIONS died from a previous flood.

Closest we see are Tsunamis which are so devastating. FACT: Number one DEATH TO HUMANS from "WEATHER EVENTS" is MUDSLIDES - people are trapped alive by caved-in hillsides and mountains and floods, and imagine how many whole civilizations could have dealt with Hurricanes, Tornados, drought and famine. We see a lot of it in the news each night - but it hardly addresses that sad issue of todays hunger in the world. I can only image for a million years, how many others died a similar flooded death? No one knows how many plagues traveled the Earth, maybe a million plagues wiped out a million civilizations.

Equality is important, I think we are doing pretty good today as a species, I hope we are around a long time and still evolving mentally - we do have neat toys today - weither you are a couch potato or a soldier, you have some neat weapons when you enter war. Of course the virtual soldier (couch potato) can stuff his face with food and gun down a dozen men, I doubt the solider has that luxury.

So I think I hear you have a 1in72 chance of dying in a mudslide or flood waters event. That is pretty amazing, you cannot compare that to the great records of AIR passenger safety.

I think man will kill himself off some day in the distant future, unless as promided Jesus returns to separate us all out VERY quickly. Like a stepthen King book - Bam!, you are gone. Scary choices if you are not living a good life - I just do my best, have faith and always look at things on the sunnier side. The Americans here are vast for affluent to poverty incomes, all ages and demographics - we are a melting pot of the real poor, misfortunate, comfortable, luxurious and wealth.

We have members handicapped and handicapable, people doing amazing things without help from others - hurting in every muscle the next day, but 60 pounds richer in honey for doing it :)

We really are lucky to get the opinions from talented beekeepers, long time backyard beekeepers, the folks wwho never get more than two hives, and the most important to the future of beekeeping, the new beekeeper or member JUST learning about this fascinating and challenging hobby.

Lots of new members in 6 months, many have migrated to our VOICE CHAT ventrilo live voice chatroom - every mid evening Eastern time you can find up to eight people from around the globe talking - two new members in two days too!

Why just TYPE bees (never stop that and keep those photos coming) but also come into voice chat, it is a small program, just over a meg - uses little resources and allows you and your mic to talk live to all our other members.

I'm just waiting for our 8 member limit to reach about 80% full all the time, going to move up to 20 members alowed at once. That is something your kind contributions to Beemaster.com will purchase for the benefit of the dozens of Ventrilo Members, and allowing THAT MUCH MORE ROOM for YOU to join us!!

Sorry for the shameless plug - lol. I got got off in a tangent. My reply in one sentence though, how many civilizations over a million years have seen planetary flood? I imagine early along, you were little more than a tribe, near fresh water and hunting to survive - communal life with structure. And it remained that way often for 5 thousand years, then a world wide flood (even a catostrophic localized flood that killed entire civilizations of villages out, would be worthy of adding - so I believe Earth has seen MANY CATOSTROPHIC FLOODS, with Noah's the most notable (finally one survived out of all the previous flooded civiizations had few remains. There I finally finished - lol. Peace to all.
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Offline Understudy

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2007, 11:31:14 am »
The combination of methane, nitrogen and an electrical charge has shown that organic compounds can be made. You came from the combination of some elements and a charged particle.

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Offline wayne

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2007, 03:12:56 pm »
  For at least some 200 years science has tried to creat LIFE in a test tube. Creating basic amino acids is just getting a set of Tinkertoys, not a living creature. They still have to be put together and then sparked into something that fulfills the defination of living.
  Life is either simple to create, which we cannot seem to do, or an all but impossible accident. It either exists across the galaxy, or it is very rare. We KNOW it exists here. But we suspect, or maybe hope, it exists elsewhere.
  How, and where, it started is the basic answer to the above problem. If it is easy, or rare, it is HERE. If we find life elsewhere then it is easy, if we are alone it is rare. If the life we find is like the life here then we all sprang from the same process and if we find enough samples we will know the start point. Simple.
  Man needs an answer. He has always wanted answers to his questions, and if he cannot see a clear one he makes one up that fits.
  Many years ago I saw a story about how life here was a result of a spacecraft dumping its waste tanks after a visit.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.

Offline UtahBees

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2007, 03:13:47 pm »
if life "here" came from "there" then where did life "there" come from.

God made this earth and the people on it. He also made many other worlds and the humans on those planets as well.

We all came from God's presence and are here (or there on the other worlds) as a final test, to gain the experience of having a body, and to see if we can choose right (obey commandments, etc) with our free agency.


There's no conspiracy theory, except Satan is real and he doesn't want us to return to God, since he cannot. Satan would rather not have us know he's real.

I guess that's my $0.02 :)


Offline abejaruco

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2007, 04:50:43 pm »
He also made many other worlds and the humans on those planets as well.

More humans over there?. Had not He enought with us? :-D

God made this earth and the people on it

At this point we have some in common. :)

Offline pdmattox

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2007, 05:23:45 pm »
well put utahbees.

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2007, 12:39:45 am »
Faith is believing in the unproven, unknown, but noone knows for sure, at least not in this world. I'm not saying I do or I don't, just the facts maam, but I like to keep an open mind, but not too open, are your brains will fall out. :roll:
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Offline Jerrymac

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2008, 11:27:14 pm »
I have ignored this one for awhile it seems.

You do know if you believe in the Bible then you know there isn't anyone on other planets.

"God gave His only begotten son....." to us here on earth. Right?
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Offline UtahBees

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2008, 12:12:57 am »
You do know if you believe in the Bible then you know there isn't anyone on other planets.

"God gave His only begotten son....." to us here on earth. Right?

There are many things that I don't understand, and I'm sure others feel the same. I'm comforted to know that I have a purpose here, and that I only should worry about my own salvation (and be a good parent,etc, etc). I figure I'll find out that answer for sure when I die. But for now, I only have faith that the Only Begotten is the only Savior for all of God's children - even those not on this Earth.

Happy New Year!

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2008, 07:48:19 am »
Hey Jerry, are you from this planet? :-D Is the Bible the real deal? There are those that will fight you on this topic, will try and make you believe what they believe, or what they believe they know to be true.

Sincerely, JP
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Offline pdmattox

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Re: We came from where?
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2008, 10:14:38 am »
I have ignored this one for awhile it seems.

You do know if you believe in the Bible then you know there isn't anyone on other planets.

"God gave His only begotten son....." to us here on earth. Right?

Well here it comes don't shoot me. I feel that we are just one creation out of many. There might not be beings out there that look just like humans on earth but there is other living organisms out in the universe. We have not even discovered all creatures on earth not to mention what lies ahead in space.  Only 500 years ago the world belived it was flat, who knows what else we are going to learn in the near future. 

