News from Down Under

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Nice touch:
Royal Beekeeper tells Her Majesty?s bees of her death.

An old tradition


--- Quote from: max2 on September 11, 2022, 02:57:57 am ---Nice touch:
Royal Beekeeper tells Her Majesty?s bees of her death.

An old tradition

--- End quote ---
Oh that's wonderful.  We have the same tradition here in the US, although very few people practice it anymore.  Here's the news story if anyone would like to read it.

I went to visit a beekeeping mate of mine.
He has been in bees for 30 or so years.

He tells me that this is the first year that he is not getting honey of macademias.

Indeed - no honey so far at all.

We were pondering....still too cool? or are the trees putting all this moisture into growth?

It is warming up next is hoping.

We took a bit more honey off today - just so we have enough to sell at the Witta market.

I learned another lesson.

In the past i used to take the honey out of lids. No more.
I leave it for the bees to clean up during winter.
By Spring - now, the honey is all gone and all that is left are old comb.

These are obviously heaven for SHB and it is time to clean them up.

Good idea Max. Never thought of doing that. Checked a couple of hives yesterday. The bees are going gang busters after a winter flow. I gave myself some extra time by removing queen excluders after the final extraction in August. Those frames are now filling with brood and honey. It?s going to be a big swarm season in my region due to the spotted gum bloom.


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