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--- Quote ---"no one else will do the work..."
That is exactly one of the points in Ben Powell's video Myths About Immigration.
--- End quote ---

It depends on the industry, but it is accurate in somethings like agriculture.  Perhaps Ben needs to get out of the city.

--- Quote ---for what they want to pay
--- End quote ---

the implication being that if they payed more, it would attract american workers?

When it comes to agriculture, not only will Americans not do it (white or black) but they are not wanted.  I have two friends with commercial farms and neither will hire unaccented americans any more.  in the past, those people lasted a day or two after all the effort and paperwork of being hired.  they were to soft.  in addition, they were the ones who would immediately put in the workers comp filling for back injury etc. They don't know how to do the work and they are not willing to do it.

As for the pay, several years ago there was a move to pay farm workers minimum wage.  the workers stopped it.  a skilled farm worker, and the work they do does require skill, can make well over minimum wage being payed by the work, rather than by the hour. 

we pay people not to work.  if you want Americans to take jobs like that you have to end extended unemployment, cry baby injury claims, etc.  you would have to protect the businesses from the workers. 
think that will happen?

not to worry.  with the current programs, the immigrant population, legal or not, will soon be as lazy.   

Eric Bosworth:
Unfortunately the politicians follow  the idea of keep there belly's full and their minds empty. The media fails to inform the people of what you said Kathy.


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